Unsure what's going on here?


Well-Known Member
I started noticing this on just a few flowers on one single plant, now it on two plants and just a few flowers on each plant!! I have removed a few Large Grasshoppers from some other plants and the damage looks different on those, their more eaten on the leaves!
Is this a Mold possibly? Sure hope not, no smell really, not even of the flower itself! But other flowers on the same plants have their beautiful aroma!!
The pictures are of flowers on the same plant that look normal and then there's pics of flowers that have a darker look to them, the pistels are gone it looks like! And then there is pictures of each Top that has those mixed throughout its flower nodes!
Anyway, please if anyone possibly knows what's going on here, let me know ASAP!! PEACE!
I see a leafhopper on a leaf in picture 2. Chances are they are chewing into the new growth just below those bud and causing that.

Leafhoppers, Buffalo Tree Hopper and Cucumber Beetles will all feed on the young growth, I have had issues with all 3 this year.

Its definitely not bud rot. You can tell rot because the browning starts at the stem and works towards the tip. Stem/insect damage causes the browning from tip to stem.
hey that blows @DoYouRight im gona watch along. i don't think its rott neither like Celt mentions, @The Celt what you do to fix it bud!
I see a leafhopper on a leaf in picture 2. Chances are they are chewing into the new growth just below those bud and causing that.

Leafhoppers, Buffalo Tree Hopper and Cucumber Beetles will all feed on the young growth, I have had issues with all 3 this year.

Its definitely not bud rot. You can tell rot because the browning starts at the stem and works towards the tip. Stem/insect damage causes the browning from tip to stem.
Yes I kill those little fu@kers all the time, I wasn't sure if they could do damage like that! Thanks so much for your input, and What can I do to reverse this, if thats even possible? At the least stopping it from spreading else where!!
I have had a lot of rain in my area the past week. Even the remnants of a Hurricane passing through, so I stored them in the barn for one night due to high winds and hail in the area! But that wasnt done until after dark set in and then they were placed back outside in their regular spot, just as the sun was coming back up!
Just trying to think of the details here, ya know?
When I see small bud like that, damaged from insects, I pinch them off so they don’t invite rot. As they die, they can cause rot.
That was my next question, so thanks! I was gonna ask if its just better to remove them, hate to lose bud, but damn, I would hate it even more, to lose twice as much bud!! Lol!!!
That won’t hurt them. I didn’t have the option to bring mine in, too big or in the ground, and the winds the past few days have took 2 limbs, one a fairly big one on one of my inground girls
I have 4 in the ground and 5 potted! 5 gallon buckets, heavy and wasn't easy, main reason I waited til dark to move them was due to, being seen carrying large Marijuana plants around the yard!!! Lol!!!! Luckily for me and my girls, no damage like that! Just other problems!!
As for the damn bugs, I have yet to find I way to kill them all, I try every day but they seem to breed faster than I can kill them :rofl:
i know smoke of a pit fire keeps bugs and insects away. maybe create a smoky pitfire and then neemoil and in the morning wash it beore the sunrise? just a thought
makes a bit difficult but im sure there is ways around it
@JimJonesJr here is a reason why not to have invites into your garden.
@DoYouRight both comment were for the celt. I dont grow outside and never dealth with your situation. maybe @InTheShed can light an idea :thumb:
What are you talking about PK1?
lol, that was for another member. You can go to menu, grow, grow journal and journal in progress to see all journals the members have. Our buddy jim had a butterfly in his yard and i was just refering this page to him on why not to have insects or leafhoopers around
lol, that was for another member. You can go to menu, grow, grow journal and journal in progress to see all journals the members have. Our buddy jim had a butterfly in his yard and i was just refering this page to him on why not to have insects or leafhoopers around
Gotcha, I just talk with Jim a lot, so I was confused!! Lmao!!
I also have a plant outside that was given to me. I go out after dark with a black light and examine her periodically and at night. The black light illuminates the plant and it helps finding those critters. All sorts of critters will want to eat her up. I knew that there was going to be some bud attrition from the start. Just stay attentive and do your best like the rest of us try and do with our medicine.
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