Update: Eugene Davidovich - Operation Green Rx

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The preliminary hearing in my case lasted today from 8:15 in the morning until almost 4:30 in the afternoon. After trying to navigate the "Serpentine Roadmap" that makes up our medical marijuana laws with my attorney in court, it appears to be more confusing then ever.

The day started with the prosecutor fighting tooth and nail to not allow the recommendation from my physician to be admitted into the court records proving that I am a qualified patient even though we had subpoenaed the documentation from the doctor's office, and had a sworn affidavit to support that from the doctor's custodian of record. My recommendation was admitted although it took a lot of effort from my attorney.

The expert witness Chris Conrad, did get to testify and testified that the collective and the way that it was operating was in fact legal and sanctioned under state law. Even though the expert witness who was originally involved in an advisory and consulting capacity in drafting Prop
215 testified to what a collective is and that what I was doing did in fact fall under that definition as intended by the law, the judge did not agree he saw `no evidence of a collective" even though the detectives themselves said that I cultivated marijuana based on the equipment they found in my storage unit.

We also found out from Detective Conrado Decastro that this Operation Green Rx was in fact targeting Medical Marijuana Patients and the whole point with Operation Green Rx was to bring down everyone listing their collectives on NORML only later was the name changed to Operation Endless Summer. We also found out that Conrado Decastro is in charge and is the `mastermind' behind "Operation Green Rx".

On a side note: In February when I was arrested, Conrado Decastro interrogated me at the police station. During the interrogation he pulled out two large 3 inch black binders that had a large red cross and marijuana leaf on them. The two binders contained a large number of tabs with last names of people. As he pulled out the two binders, he told me that I was not alone, and that "we are gonna bring all you medical pot people down".

Detective Scott Henderson (Jamie Conlan) today, conveniently `could not recall' the details of the two phone conversations we had where I explained to him that this was a collective cultivation effort, and that he was not to divert the medicine to the illicit market. It was also very convenient that the detectives recorded everything except for the phone conversations even though he testified that the equipment for such recordings was readily available.

It was unbelievable to see this much resources from the practically bankrupt county of San Diego being spent on this effort. Today for example, there were at least 5 bailiffs in the courtroom, the DA had at least five other people from the DA's office advising her on how to properly prosecute this case, and they brought out three detectives to testify. All this during a Preliminary Hearing for a case where both people are qualified medical cannabis patients.

It seems that the San Diego Narcotics Division TOP priority has been made to investigate and shut down medical cannabis collectives in San Diego.

I am still in shock after today and am now trying to figure out how to get funds together for my attorney to retain him further.

It seems that the DA is heavily invested into this `war' and it seems that I just might end up being another `casualty' as fighting this machine seems almost impossible, especially when they have unlimited disposal to their attorneys and `advisors' and I have to rely on my self, a public defender, or somehow attempt to afford an attorney after loosing my employment and savings as a result of these charges.

In short, it went as expected. The bias shined bright in court today!

Thank you again to everyone who came and supported me in court today. It was truly inspiring to turn around and see a packed courtroom in the morning as well as to get to speak with a number of you.

As more collectives open here in San Diego, it is now more critical then ever for patients from the Medical Cannabis Community in San Diego to stand together against this continued attempt to overturn the will of the people, by a select bias driven few.

Thank You, Eugene Davidovich

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: lists.safeaccessnow.org
Author: Eugene Davidovich
Copyright: 2009 Eugene Davidovich
Contact/Website: HugeDomains.com - EugeneDavidovich.com is for sale (Eugene Davidovich)
Be Strong. Inside we know we're right.
Like all of us who have been through the system and spit out the other end you just have to keep doing what you think is right.
If they can't stop medical marijuana, whatever would the San Diego Narcotics Division do then. Disband? Save the county a lot of money while making a lot more from tax and approach solvency? What's the problem?

Your fight can be won with the support of the many who will be next should you lose. Somebody must speak for the majority of your neighbors who have voted. Cops must be compelled to obey the law.

Dear Supporters,

Often I hear in our community that there are many who want to do something to help make a difference in the fight.

Here are two specific things that you can do that I beleive will truly make a difference and help prevent another Operation Green Rx as well as help me with my case.

1. Write San Diego City Council

2. Call and Write to the San Diego District Attorney

(please see contact info and further explanation on how)


If you feel comfortable doing so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could write the San Diego City Council. Please send them an email asking them to launch a Grand Jury investigation into Operation Green Rx! After all we all were told that Medical Cannabis patients would not be targeted and that it was not top priority for San Diego Law enforcement.

District 1

Councilmember Sherri Lightner

E-mail: sherrilightner@sandiego.gov

District 2

Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer

E-mail: kevinfaulconer@sandiego.gov

District 3

Councilmember Todd Gloria

E-mail: toddgloria@sandiego.gov

District 4

Councilmember Tony Young

E-mail: anthonyyoung@sandiego.gov

District 5

Councilmember Carl DeMaio

E-mail: carldemaio@sandiego.gov

District 6

Councilmember Donna Frye

E-mail: donnafrye@sandiego.gov

District 7

Councilmember Marti Emerald

E-mail: martiemerald@sandiego.gov

District 8

Council President Ben Hueso

E-mail: benhueso@sandiego.gov


Please CALL or write District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and ask her to drop the charges in my case, Stop Prosecuting Medical Cannabis Patients, and launch an investigation into Operation Green Rx.

District Attorney: Bonnie Dumanis

T: 619-531-4040

E: publicaffairs@sdcda.org

330 W. Broadway

San Diego, CA 92101

I sincerely thank you for you support and for doing something to make a difference. The time has come to say enough is enough, patients deserve respect, safe access, and a stop to these senseless prosecutions that do nothing for the public good, rather destroy innocent people's lives and clog up our already bankrupt and problematic legal system.


Eugene Davidovich
This is the single worse problem with our judicial system. The prosecutor has all the power and money and the defendent has none. There needs to be a lwa passed where the defendents can spend the same amount of taxpayers money as the prosecutors get to spend.
I wrote the district attorney and asked what they hoped to achieve from this. Is this something that is going to help the community?
Is it something that will inspire trust, respect and hope or is it just an abuse of power used to hurt the weak, the sick and those who are just trying to live their lives as adults and can't defend themselves against bullies.
I say bullies because that is what people are who don't fight stronger foes and just like to pick on the weak and easy. Any punk can do that.
What happened to law enforcement taking on the the kinpins and people who rape and kill. There are white collar criminals ruining the lives of millions and this is what you are wasting your time and precious resources on.
If you were to think on this with honesty and compassion can you really hold your head high? Me thinks not.
These abusers of public trust have chosen the battlefield. They have vilified and demonized their chosen targets enemy game (pick a noun). They have woo'd hearts and minds through judicious heavy (handed) use of media and all public access venues. Precident is paving the way for sterner measures called for by declining majorities of mental conscripts. They are demonstrating their strength and resolve. Do they think they've more to lose than we've to gain? Ask Mr Davidovich what is at stake. Having done nothing bad to anyone he is bankrupt and facing prison. Could political ambition overide human decentcy? Of course it can, but "drug addicts", "pot heads, hippies, dopers" aren't really, fully human to the mentally adjusted. This faulty but common group (mob) mentality is reinforced with loud over the top boasts, dares and fervent demonstrations. Good place to start a defence might be one of SoCals' many morally bankrupt news networks. Ask them how's buisiness lately, and when was the last time they stood up on their hind legs like a man and spoke the truth. Talk about relevantcy.
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