UPDATE: Judge Orders Medical Marijuana Destroyed

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A Sonoma County judge said he would order the destruction of 19 pounds of pot seized by police, even though the case later was dropped because the owner was a verified medical marijuana user.

The original owner of the marijuana, Shashon Jenkins, 26, was arrested in October, but the marijuana cultivation and possession charges against him were dismissed in December. Jenkins had testified that he uses marijuana to relieve chronic pain and grows it for several clients who also use it under a doctor's authorization.

During the December hearing, Judge Lawrence Antolini ordered the marijuana returned to Jenkins.

But Santa Rosa police refused to return the marijuana, saying it would violate federal law.

On Tuesday, Antolini rejected a request from Jenkins' attorney for more time to make his case to get the pot back, after his doctor submitted incomplete medical records in the case.

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Website: Judge Orders Medical Marijuana Destroyed
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