Very Late Southern Hemisphere Terrace Grow From Bagseed - Complete N00b

My bad. It's been a while since the last post...
The girls have been doing great - we've had an extremely short spring - like, for a week - and are already been hitting low 30's (°C) for the last 5 days or so.

Two of the girls have been harvested and dried since last post. In fact, I jarred them just before posting here!



The remaining two are still flowering nicely - I'm thinking at least one of them might get cut this coming weekend. Will have to wait 'till then to check the trichomes...


And yes. I am QUITE chuffed. The yields aren't stellar, and the buds aren't massive, but I managed to achieve what I set out to: get any amount of plants through the entire cycle, and end up with any amount of my very own homegrown.

Mission accomplished.
Being about two weeks into flowering, I thought it might be a good idea to defoliate the girls a bit.


Seeing as they get their light from the sun, I only took off yellowing or significantly damaged leaves, along with a few fan leaves that were throwing obvious shade over some bud sites.













Even with not going overboard, this still seems like a reasonable heap of fan leaves - I'm assuming it's still too early for then to be useful for anything?

Great pics!! I'm reading through now and I have to say, it's the funniest one I've come across! You are very comical and I can relate to so much as a noob too! Subbed up now for sure! #loveyourpurplegirl
Great pics!! I'm reading through now and I have to say, it's the funniest one I've come across! You are very comical and I can relate to so much as a noob too! Subbed up now for sure! #loveyourpurplegirl
Wow, what an awesome comment! Thank you so much - I'm glad you got some enjoyment out of it (I definitely have, so far)!

As for the yellowing leaves, I ended up just having to assume as much - when I went searching for the problem online, there was advice for every kind of yellowing leaf, EXCEPT for the kind I was having.
At least it got me to start checking the trichomes in more detail.
Sometimes I feel like my heads going to explode with all the information I'm trying to stuff in my brain while stoned mostly..Plus I have to work full time, which gets in the It's so fun though, learning and growing.
Now tell me how you check those trichomes? Will any scope do? How do you know what to look for? 50% brown? I need to figure out when to harvest eventually! I'm on day 8 of flowering, so I know I have some time. I'll be following along
Sometimes I feel like my heads going to explode with all the information I'm trying to stuff in my brain while stoned mostly..Plus I have to work full time, which gets in the It's so fun though, learning and growing.
Now tell me how you check those trichomes? Will any scope do? How do you know what to look for? 50% brown? I need to figure out when to harvest eventually! I'm on day 8 of flowering, so I know I have some time. I'll be following along
I hear ya about the full time working thing. Same this side - du is probably why I'll be sticking with outdoor for now...

As for checking the trichomes, I've got a macro lens adapter thingy for my phone, so I'm using that for now...

It doesn't magnify enough to accurately tell the difference between clear and cloudy trichomes, but you can zoom in far enough to at least tell when they're starting to turn amber (which is when I harvested the first two plants) ...


It also takes QUITE a few attempts to get a steady enough shot, but it works for me.
Another weekend gone, another update!

Three of the four girls have been harvested (#20 got chopped on Saturday).

#1 is the sole survivor, but I'm a bit worried...


We kickstarted this spring with a lovely heat wave, and now I believe this plant has suffered a bit of sun burn - if that's a thing.

She's defintely not looking ready. But I doubt she's going to have enough leaves to get to an ideal harvest...


Any thoughts? Should I maybe harvest early?
OK, two plants are curing, the third is about to go into a jar, and the last one is still burning to a crisp.


Early harvest - any thoughts or suggestions?
Precisely what I was thinking - and thanks for the link too! 80% of my info has been from growweedeasy. Great site.

So the question that remains: harvest before Audrey here eats herself, or try to stretch out the torture in the shade?

Good question! I'd try and take her to the end if you can? I know you want to finish her outside, maybe indirect sunlight for most of the day or try moving her in and out of the direct sunlight when your at home anyways. How many weeks into flower is she again?
Then so it shall be. I've already started putting her where she gets more shade during the day, so we'll have to see.

She's about 6 weeks in.
The spot I've got her in now does get a more 'dappled' light situation, as opposed to direct sun, or full shade...
The severe heat has also passed (for now), so that should also help.
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