Very weird issue need help: Plants fades and dies when going HPS


New Member

Ive been growing +Speed from Sweet Seed for 4 weeks now, on Metal Halide 400 watt, in a hydroponic system.

Ive decided to change the light to a 400 watt HPS (the lamp is fairly new), but after 10 minutes, the plants are fading and just becoming very soft and flabby.

Do you have any idea why it's doing this?
I tried the light right after changing the water, and 2 days after changing it. It has the same effect on the plants.
Hey man! My experience with HPS is that you generally only use it when flowering. Either use normal florescent lights or a 400w Metal Halide. The HPS are very stressful and hot to babies. Now I could be wrong, but that is my two cents.
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