Watering questions

Sketch sorry to hear your encountering some of the same issues. Mr Canuck sure does make it look easy! So like I stated earlier I am going to start lowering the ph to 5.7 to 6.0. I’m going to give that a few waterings and see if I can see a difference. Please keep me posted as see if you find out a correct method. I have a few other plants coming down the pipe line now and would really love to get this all dialed in before my Wedding Cake beans start popping.
Well I sure cant say Mr canuck doesnt know how to grow. Look on you tube, pretty successful grows. Just uses an organic way of growing in coco. Some of the best looking plants I have seen anywhere honestly.
Well I sure cant say Mr canuck doesnt know how to grow. Look on you tube, pretty successful grows. Just uses an organic way of growing in coco. Some of the best looking plants I have seen anywhere honestly.
I don't doubt what you say - but I've never even heard of the guy until today. The only thing I know about the guy is that a couple of people today have started threads because they're having coco problems and both of them are following Mr. Canuck's method. Both of them are using a pH of 6.8 with some sort of time release nutes per Mr. Canucks instructions. Not saying it doesn't work but...….
So after going down the worm hole for a few hours this morning, I watched Mr. Canucks Grow videos about autoflowers w coco medium and dry amendments. And if anyone gets a chance and could watch one of his autoflower videos and let me know what you think. That was the style I was trying to duplicate. So I just want to know if I’m crazy for thinking I could make that work, or if it’s just a lot more talent than I have at the moment? I’m goin to start ph-ing my water around 5.7 to 6.0 as per the recommendations you guys suggested , because with the droopy and weird shaped leaves ,I definitely believe something isn’t quite right.
Not more talent mate. Just more pointless hassle lol. Coco works best with liquid nutes. Doing anything otherwise is just making life harder for yourself.
Mick it is kinda funny, but I noticed a few threads with our problems and they do say they are following Me. Canuck. So I definitely hear what your saying. I think part of mine and Sketch’s problems have to do with not really understanding all the things to look for , or learned from experience, and that’s why people like us are here. To learn from people with experience. So keep throwing the info at us! I also have 6 girls germinating right now. I am gonna use coco with.... liquid nutes. This way I gain a little more knowledge with each hiccup.
Mick it is kinda funny, but I noticed a few threads with our problems and they do say they are following Me. Canuck. So I definitely hear what your saying. I think part of mine and Sketch’s problems have to do with not really understanding all the things to look for , or learned from experience, and that’s why people like us are here. To learn from people with experience. So keep throwing the info at us! I also have 6 girls germinating right now. I am gonna use coco with.... liquid nutes. This way I gain a little more knowledge with each hiccup.

Any idea what nutes you'll be using Jay?
Barillaro, gonna go to my local shop and see what they have. Any suggestions?And these ladies just got their first watering with a Ph at 6.0. I was watering at 6.5 to 6.8


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Barillaro, gonna go to my local shop and see what they have. Any suggestions?And these ladies just got their first watering with a Ph at 6.0. I was watering at 6.5 to 6.8
Im a first time grower but I've been using the general hydroponics trio myself. I can't notice the yellowing due to the lighting, but if it's only one plant it could just be a more sensitive phenotype, I'd let someone more experienced diagnose it though
Well barillaro, My local shop had the general hydroponics trio, so I picked those up and gonna give them a try, with these new beans that are ready for their pots today. When did you start feeding your seedlings? How much, and do you use all three at the same time? I’m gonna do a little reading on it myself , just wanted to see what your method is
Coco is one of the easiest mediums to grow in once you understand that it's nothing like growing in soil, and that you should not use products that you would mix in with soil, and that you should NOT follow ANY guidelines that you would with soil. I am a newbie with coco, and I am having great success with it. I highly recommend that you read this guide and it will give you a pretty thorough explanation of what growing in coco is like. I absolutely love it. I find it much easier to grow than in soil or any other method. Your PH range for growing in coco should be closer to what you would use in a hydro system. I am at a range of 5.7-6.1
Just got done reading cocoforcannabis, and boy I realized I didn’t know squat. It’s a great starting point for me. I’m going to follow this strategy for the 6 seedlings in my dome now. A question I have for you guys is... I have 6 autoflowers that I originally put dry ammendments in the coco. Can I just flush these out thoroughly and start feeding with liquid nutes? And what exactly is the correct way to flush?
Bakind, thanks for pointing me to cocoforcannabis. I’ve switched to using the general hydroponics liquid nutes. And boy can I tell difference. The ladies seem to love it and have grown substantially. I’m watering in the correct ph range now, and have been monitoring my EC. Thanks again for the help. Here’s a few pics


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So much for Mr. Canuck's method. :) I hope the other guy having problems made the switch as well.
Is this mystical canuk character the reason for all these guys putting stuff in their Coco the last couple weeks? Let's find him and give him a slap. Seen loads of it recently.
It's hard to help them out cos it just complicates things so much when there's solids in the Coco.
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