website promotions

since I found you only a month ago I told all the pot heads I know... all my smokin buddies about you n they said they r gonna visit u asap! I think as soon as I get my ass to see my web designer n he gets his ass into gear doin my web design the better. I'll have to get some kinda link put onto it... I'll let u know!
anything that requires money right now, is on hold, stickers, booths, events, etc...we are receiving no donations as usual and cannot get enough sponsors to do anything more than pay the bills...nothing left over and we are actually a couple of months behind schedule on some bills...we have all of this planned for the new year...right now, we just need to get heads to promote us on other sites, spread the word, tell your friends, bring us more people to join our mod teams...things that don't cost us any money.
Stoner4Life said:
Thanks 420..... I think I can handle both for now as I'm home an awful lot.
If you don't mind I'll work on the welcoming email this evening when I have some quiet time here. I'm sort of a perfectionist and need it to be concise and accurate.

Still thinking of ideas to bring up the membership and visitors as well I've come up with this:
Campus Moderators: We must have a huge audience from colleges and universities around the world...... how bout looking to some of the local big schools out in Cal. there. Set up an information booth once a month maybe. Give out some printed info and website stuff as well.
Our higher edu. schools have some of the the most politically active minded ppl in the world. There's a big untapped audience out there, if you make a presence on campus there might be some way to garner some other media type of attention or coverage as well sometime. I think if the idea was tossed around there might be an affordable way to tap that resource.
word :Rasta:
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