What deficiency is this help please

Could be many things . Where did you pick these leaves from the bottom of the plant? What size container? Were these the only leaves affected?
Could be that they are root bound or that those leaves are not getting enough light , or nutesplash from watering. If only a few leaves most likely not a deficiency ime
These leaves are on the older growth and towards the middle of the plant, accompanied by purple stems ( some of which are stripped ) the container I had it in was way to small I just transplanted it in to 5 gal pot. the leaves that are on lower and mid of plant are affected. as far as not enough light, that could not be it I use a maxsisun PB2000 in a 3x3x6 tent... the purple stripped stems is what stumps me

Looks like you need to feed veg nutrients to me.
ya know that is what makes me think it has been a ph issue this whole time... Because I have been feeding them fox farm nutes from the start so it must me ph .....The ph pen i was using was a peice of crap so i got a new one.
what type of soil are the plants in. when was your last feeding? are you following a feeding schedule?
depending on your soil, usually they don't need to get phed
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