what is everyones favorite smoking method?


New Member
Curious to know what everyones favorite smoking method is, I'd have to say I still stick with my water bong or sometimes a nice blunt after a long day
I haven't been at home where I can freely smoke a blunt, so I've been hiding in the bathroom with a can of Citrus Oust and my blue bong.
1. vape
2. bong
3. glass pipe

and eating it in sweets form is numero uno way for me to partake. but for taking it in my lungs, the above are my top three.
i like my bubbler, but when i got some good friends over i break out the "crippler" as we call it, its a 4ft water bong we smoke from, ive seen a girl hit it and 3 sec later she tried to answer phone & passed out "phone never rang" but funniest was had friend over that took killer rip & smoke came out everywhere & he just fell backwards threw my coffee table & tried to say he just lost his balance. :roorrip::bigtoke:
Not trying to be an ass....but this post has been done like once every 2 months. Lets keep it original. Maybe more conversation of serious matters might actually move our battle of legalization forward. No way anybody will legalize it if we always stress the same points. This post being a point. Lets move forward.
My fault I don't use the forums that much lol but you must...
Anything will do the job for me~~
but I think I really kinda like my
glass pipes the best~~next choice
would be joint or blunt~~but hell
yeah~~Love those bong hits~~
Not trying to be an ass....but this post has been done like once every 2 months. Lets keep it original. Maybe more conversation of serious matters might actually move our battle of legalization forward. No way anybody will legalize it if we always stress the same points. This post being a point. Lets move forward.

yea i get what you are saying, but this is under "General 420 Talk" this is a fine post for this section of the site lol. ya it does get posted a lot but still...there are plenty other sections where we can work on the more serious matters of legalization and what not. but general 420 talk is for ANYTHING 420 related. hah just my 2 cents :roorrip:
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