What is happening with my cool tube?


New Member
Help my cool tube was running fine but the other night I went in to turn lights off and the bulb was blown.so I put a new bulb a bright light then bang another.so I put my last super hps delux 600watt in it worked didn't blow.tlet it run the 12 hrs shut down turned on last night after 3to four hours I hear this hard humming noise coming from my walls.i go up I cant hear it right in the tent.the ballast isn't making noise. all night that loud humming.enough it was bugging the hell out of me.im like what is that.is it coming from my house so weird.i unplug the light from the ballast and boom that noise I hear all night gone wtf.so I just ordered an friggin brand new cooltube package from growlights Canada.but wondering why is this going on.can I keep it off and just run the other 1000watt till the new stuff gets here thers about 8or 9 that wont be getting that light.I also don't want a fire. The sound is loud and neighbours are attached would not want cops coming for noise complaints.
It would not be the reflector so that leaves the Ballast , as you unplugged it and the Noise stopped it pin points the problem as the Ballast.

I suspect the frequency of the buzz/hum made it difficult for you to pin point the noise source.


I would Disconnect and use what ever light source you can to keep the light schedule on track until your replacement is delivered.

Be safe and discard the ballast.
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