What should we say in our letters?


New Member
I've been thinking about something we need to add to our letters to these people which goes something like this;

I understand that you will probably be telling me about research that you have read opposing the decriminalization of cannabis, but I can assure you that I have studied my own research on this subject, and I can also assure you that for every piece of outdated research you have read, I can show you ten more that counter those old papers...and mine are from recent new discoveries.
Please spare me the going response of "quality of life" as well, because the quality of life is only one that affords me to decide my own path in life.
We as a cannabis loving society, truly want to take the drug dealers that are mostly gang related, out of the equation...ending the war on drugs will certainly have this effect.
We just want to be honored with the same respect as any other nonviolent law abiding citizens are given, nothing more.
This "war on drugs" has taken it's tole on the fabric of society for far too long and has only gained fear and distrust in our law enforcement and you, the law makers.
If you truly care about the safety and wellbeing of the citizens of this great country, you will do your part to end this cruel and unjustified war on people.
We're only being kept under stressful and fearful conditions, and this can only be ended by you, the law makers.
If your intentions are to keep large quantities of tax payers money pouring into an unjust and unwindable drug war, then we are prepared to use our voting rights to revoke your law making abilities.
When I say "we" this means, hundreds of thousands of people that are campaigning against cannabis prohibition.
Please take this under consideration as you are voting for "our" rights.

I want you guys to add more to this...share your ideas on this...we need a game plan!!! Bring anything else you think will help to the table.
yea...you're probably right Moose. I just get sick of seeing them respond with negative and outdated research notes.
It's hard for me not to want to get a little militant with them when I see nothing but negativity from them...they just refuse to be open minded about it.
I am open to any suggestions you may have for these letters, because I'm starting to feel a little disheartened by the responses they keep giving us.
They obviously need something powerful to persuade them to change their minds...I'm at a loss here my old friend. Help! ).:}
Links and excerpts from medical studies help. Easy to understand facts help a lot.

I am in the process of getting an attorney to write up a medical "Contract" for me, that provides local enforcement the ability to inspect my property up to 4 times a year unannounced, at my cost, so I can grow my meds in peace.

It may not work, but I have to do something. I am also speaking with local criminal court judges to get their opinions on possible prosecution.

I intend on making it so difficult and costly to prosecute me that they would just hold me to this contract and leave me be.
Links and excerpts from medical studies help. Easy to understand facts help a lot.

I am in the process of getting an attorney to write up a medical "Contract" for me, that provides local enforcement the ability to inspect my property up to 4 times a year unannounced, at my cost, so I can grow my meds in peace.

It may not work, but I have to do something. I am also speaking with local criminal court judges to get their opinions on possible prosecution.

I intend on making it so difficult and costly to prosecute me that they would just hold me to this contract and leave me be.

Good for you Boss man...I sure hope you get what your after bro! :clap:
Ok...I will take another stab at this;

Dear, (Mr/Madam Senator/Congressman "name")
I am writing to you today, to voice my concerns about the needless suffering of millions of fellow Americans, who have had their lives disrupted, and in some cases, ended by a failing and costly drug war.
In light of the recent and unfortunate death of Atlanta native 92 year old Kathryn Johnson, I started researching to find out who exactly was behind this tragedy.
My research has led me to the drug czar John Walters, the director of the ONDCP.
What I have discovered about him is utterly appalling, he has managed to waste millions, if not billions of tax dollars, over crowd the prison system with non-violent offenders, placed children from happy homes into foster care and created fear and distrust in law enforcement.
This costly drug war has had no real impact on the trafficking and distribution of drugs what so ever.
It has managed to make organized crime and local street gangs even stronger, through their unwillingness to give up their drug trade.
The only way to end this destructive and almost terroristic drug war (which has been commonly called "The war on the people") is to eliminate the office of the ONDCP and the drug war it's self, through legalization, regulation and taxation,for the consumption of responsible adults only, just as the more deadly drugs Al*hol and Tobac*o are.
As a father/mother myself, I understand the concerns of sending the wrong message to the children and thats why there needs to be an extensive education process done to educate our kids about the harms that drugs can cause to their bodies.
The American people have grown tired and weary from this awful drug war, and we are turning to out leaders for answers to this major problem in our country.
Thanks for taking time from your busy day to read this letter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Here are the links to some of my research;
War On Drug Czar

Sincerely, (name)
Here's the response I got from Sen. Hutchinson from Texas:

Dear Mr. Harrist:

Thank you for contacting me regarding efforts to legalize marijuana. I welcome your thoughts and comments on this issue.

As drug use continues to rise in our country, especially among our youth, we need to send a message that all illegal drug use is dangerous and will not be tolerated. I believe that we can win the war on drugs, but we will not do so by legalizing marijuana or encouraging its use for any purpose.

I appreciate hearing from you and hope you will not hesitate to keep in touch on any issue of concern to you.

Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator

284 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-224-5922 (tel)
202-224-0776 (fax)
United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
What did your letter to him say?


Dear, Sen. Hutchinson

Thank you for responding to my letter concerning the drug war.

As I find myself in disagreement with you, I will be keeping your view of this awful war on the millions of non violent cannabis users of this country in mind, as I go about my day to day life, living in fear and distrust of my local and federal law enforcement.

I will also be educating people that I know and meet, about the many needless victims of this war on the people, in an effort to inform them that we can no longer rely on our elected officials to support and protect our freedom and safety from big business oppression.

I assure you that this will be on my mind, as will it be in the minds of so many others as well, as we all make our way to the voting booths.

Thank you for your time.

Regretfully, (name)

How's that suit you?
^nice. the original letter to her was one from either norml's website or mpp site.

Cool...but, before y'all send those in, go to the bottom of it and personalize it a bit with something that makes it your own.
I mean, give it some thought and tactfully add to it with a little of your own experience. Does that make since? We all should say something in there about how we feel oppressed as a minority in this country.
I always like to say something about how millions live in fear and distrust of law enforcement. Or, we feel denied by our elected officials to look after our freedom and about keeping that in mind when I vote...but thats just things I put in my letters...use them if you like, but feel free to express your selves to what your heart tells you.
Just make sure you don't get carried away with extremes...just keep a calm approach but firm in your beliefs...cool? :smokin:

I know it's easy to just sign and send in the letter that NORML and the others have pre written, but these people have probably already read them several times and have an automatic negative response to send to you...probably pre written them selves...they need compelling stories of government induced suffering from med patients and general mistrust in them as elected officials.
The thing is, these people honestly feel no guilt for the actions that law enforcement take in violating their oath to protect us from harm, on their behalf.
They need to feel that guilt and step back and try to see things from our eyes...and if they are incapable of doing that, they can expect that the people will take their jobs and give it to someone who will.
Just a little food for thought as these letters are sent in. :grinjoint:
"congress has a duty to the progress of science" the copyrights and patents clause in duties of congress....

wouldn't this require regular open hearings using accepted medical and scientific research to update controlled substances at least every 25 years

spanish university studies show marijuana does have a medical use in cancer control and treatment [since 1996 ]

marinol in an accepted pharmecutical drug it is 100% thc

the souirce plant is usually below 20-30 percent thc and yet is scheduled as more dangerous than a pharmecetical derivitive...

does this really make sense and how much tax revenue is lost to
states who estimate millions to billions in wholesale value of illict MJ crops and are you comfortable letting rapisrts out of jail to makr room for non violent simple possession persons

there are ecomomists studies in favor of change inn MJ laws also

and remember money talks.....
I think they are more worried about getting their funding from big drug and their large sum of tax dollars they receive every year to fund their idiotic war on non-violent drug users.
They are just as hooked on their cut of money as anyone who is addicted to hard drugs.

I really don't believe they care for anyone else and their jobs, all they care about is making them selves even richer. Therefor they just keep the propaganda machine going all the time.
we have got to take control - is there a talk radio show on near you right now? have you written LETTER YET TODAY

Thats what it's all about bro. As a matter of fact, I'm due to send in my monthly letters my self...I think I'll get some out tomorrow. :grinjoint:
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