What the hell was I smokin'?


New Member
Hey people. I need some advice.

I was diagnosed with ADHD over a year-and-a-half ago and I was given prescription amphetamines (Adderall) to deal with it. The "hardest" weed I've ever done is AK-47... and I've been doing that forever now. But something interesting (and scary) happened the day before yesterday. I was at a friends house and her sister wanted to smoke with me. She's a big kush fanatic, while I like to stick to my hard sativa AK. Anyway, she had some White Widow on her and we packed a bowl with her Widow and some of my AK-47 and we began to chill.

Now, this is what I want to know. The night before, I only slept for a total of 1 hour... on-and-off, basically waking up every 5 minutes or so. So I wouldn't fall asleep throughout the day, I took a few extra milligrams of my Adderall and I went over to my friend's house. RIGHT after we smoked out, I felt like I was about to faint... and I came damn close, too. After practically drowning myself in her sink, I finally came to and started to stagger out into the living room, where I threw myself onto the couch and practically died. What the hell happened to me? Did I feel dead because of the White Widow? Was it the fact that I didn't sleep all night? Maybe it was an adverse reaction with the amphetamines (don't think so... mainly because marijuana doesn't impact drugs too much and I'm also on a REALLY low dose of amphetamines...)?

I don't know, but I really want to find out what caused that reaction. Anyone have any ideas? I really want to try White Widow again. I don't want to be scared of trying it again just because of that really bad experience. :bongrip:

Thanks everyone.
Lack of sleep and high dosages of adderall can cause all sorts of problems, from paranoia to hallucinations. I'm going to guess the fact that you upped your dosage, smoked stronger weed than usual, and then did it on no sleep caused your brain to shit itself.
Hahaha OneThree to the rescue. Thats pretty much the same thing I was going to add. Plus sometimes if your used to smoking one type of weed for a while your body "adapts" to it's effects, and you feel comfortable knowing whats going to happen. When you smoked the Indica White Widow the effects it had on your body might have come as a suprise and caught you off guard. I'd try it again on some sleep, and have a bitchin' time haha.
One Three said:
Lack of sleep and high dosages of adderall can cause all sorts of problems, from paranoia to hallucinations. I'm going to guess the fact that you upped your dosage, smoked stronger weed than usual, and then did it on no sleep caused your brain to shit itself.

I have to agree with this. Maybe its just me but i'd like to see adderal off of the market, alot of people dont know the effects of what that shit'll do to people without adhd. Does weed help you at all with your adhd?
masterdeath01 said:
Hey people. I need some advice.

I was diagnosed with ADHD over a year-and-a-half ago and I was given prescription amphetamines (Adderall) to deal with it. The "hardest" weed I've ever done is AK-47... and I've been doing that forever now. But something interesting (and scary) happened the day before yesterday. I was at a friends house and her sister wanted to smoke with me. She's a big kush fanatic, while I like to stick to my hard sativa AK. Anyway, she had some White Widow on her and we packed a bowl with her Widow and some of my AK-47 and we began to chill.

Now, this is what I want to know. The night before, I only slept for a total of 1 hour... on-and-off, basically waking up every 5 minutes or so. So I wouldn't fall asleep throughout the day, I took a few extra milligrams of my Adderall and I went over to my friend's house. RIGHT after we smoked out, I felt like I was about to faint... and I came damn close, too. After practically drowning myself in her sink, I finally came to and started to stagger out into the living room, where I threw myself onto the couch and practically died. What the hell happened to me? Did I feel dead because of the White Widow? Was it the fact that I didn't sleep all night? Maybe it was an adverse reaction with the amphetamines (don't think so... mainly because marijuana doesn't impact drugs too much and I'm also on a REALLY low dose of amphetamines...)?

I don't know, but I really want to find out what caused that reaction. Anyone have any ideas? I really want to try White Widow again. I don't want to be scared of trying it again just because of that really bad experience. :bongrip:

Thanks everyone.

white widow is strong stuff, sounds like u were white deathing and what is adhd,:peace: :allgood:
Dude, Smoking and taking adderall doesn't work. Your not going to get much from the weed if you do. Are you willing to try another med? Adderall isn't my top choice..nor really anyone elses. BUT.. If it works, it works. But it's really going to take effect on your high. I was curious how you were diagnoised also? If adderall works for you, then there are going to be several other meds that will work the same... you wont even have to experiment like you did at first.
Yikes. I wonder why everyone thinks Adderall sucks. Is there something I should know about it?

I was diagnosed by this moron psychiatrist. The reason I think of him as a moron is not because he diagnosed me with ADHD (I know I have it...) but because he keeps f*cking prescribing me all sorts of horrible big-boy pharmaceutical bullshit medications, thinking that it'll "fix me." The funny thing is... I'm not broken. :p

But Adderall really does work for me. It alleviates most of the brain-farts I tend to have throughout the day if I don't take it. When I take it, it energizes me and generally makes me less, well, ADD! :p

But, I mean... if there's something up about Adderall, should I know?
TheLife said:
I've seen this happen to alot of people after they smoke pot..
(90% of the time, the user has a very low tolerance to pot)

and after they come out of it, 100% of them say "i didnt get much sleep last night, " "i havent had anything to eat/drink today"

I've got a nice tolerance to pot. Sure, it's not the biggest in the world, but it's better than most people. And I actually didn't sleep the night before. I only slept for a total of 1 hour, on-and-off... waking up every 5 fucking minutes. :-(

But I did eat. I ate a sandwich before smoking and I had some kick-ass Toblerones ready at my disposal, for when the munchies started to kick in.

The weird thing is... as soon as I started to feel dizzy, light, and fainty... I reached for the Toblerone (which I usually have with me when I get high, 'cause it gives me an intense happy feeling... even though I'm not a big chocolate lover, haha) and started to eat one. I couldn't get INTO it, know what I mean? I didn't have the craving for it. I felt sick, actually. My throat was dry as hell and the chocolate (which is usually delicious and irresistible) was pretty much invasive. I didn't want it. Period. I wanted water and the more I drank, it had NO effect on the dryness of my throat or the dizziness I was experiencing.

Right after that, after washing my face and "coming to," I went home and slept... for around 5 hours. Yup. It was nice.


But as for Hallucinations induced by Adderall... It would only be induced by high doses, as my pharmaceutical-ass-rimming-moron-of-a-doctor told me. I'm on a low dose... about 12½ milligrams per day (taken in the morning). That day, I took about 20 milligrams... enough to get me lightheaded. Maybe the lightheadedness-inducing effects of hard kush combined with the lightheadedness-inducing effects of the unusually high dose of Adderall that finally fucked me over. You're right. My brain shitted itself out. :hmmmm:
Adderall has been officially attributed to the deaths of 51 patients. The FDA has reinvestigated it due to these deaths and added a couple severe side effect warnings.

And I quote "serious cardiovascular problems, heart attacks, high blood pressure and sudden death." It now has a black box warning, stating that it can lead to "addiction and serious withdrawal".

Keep in mind Adderall is medical grade Speed.
Goddamn it. >:-o

I remember telling the bastard shrink that I smoked a TON of weed when I went to Amsterdam a couple months ago. He looked at me in disapproval and began to write some bullshit on his clip-board. That same day, he refilled my prescription. Nice, huh?

I'm getting off of this shit. Enough is enough... The thing is, though... the Adderall simultaneously treats my horrible sleep problems as well as my ADHD. I always sleep late and wake up late... sometimes, I can't even wake up (no, I'm not dead...)! What can I take in the morning to get me the fuck up?! loll? I kinda... sorta... just a little bit... don't wanna die, here.
Adderall is currently the safest stimulant ADHD treatment. You can talk to your doctor about Strattera, and ask if he thinks it may be a better choice for you. It is a non-stimulant drug. But Strattera has a black box as well for suicidal thoughts in children and adolecents. (Don't know how old you are, just want to throw it out there.)

Just talk to your doctor, tell him you are worried, and ask what he thinks about an alternative.
You could just replace adderal with marijuana. Smoke a bowl or 2 before bed time and you'll sleep like a log. Find a good strain thats good for inducing sleep (or you could just smoke mid-grade buds). I always smoke before bed... Not nessesarally to get "high"... Only to get to sleep, and it works great. ADD/ADHD medications are never good. When I was younger my parents had me on ritalin, and i'll never forgive them for that shit. Now I steer clear of all pills. I'm going to die natural. If somethings wrong that my body cant fix... Oh well.
Everyone reacts differently to a particular drug. And it's right, there's many other alternatives you can use.

Tell your doctor it makes you feel strange and you want to try something else. Saying that should be enough. You are an adult and you just have to make your own decisions about your health. Do a little research, google is a great thing. Learn more about ADHD and you may find another answer yourself. If this doctor is not helping you, find another one. Many doctors treat different health problems different ways. Some work, some don't.

Doctors are not God, although many people treat them as such.

My neurologist has tried three different drugs trying to control my seizures. The last one has made them less frequent, but has not stopped them. He wants to put one of those Vagal Nerve Responder in my brain.

I keep pointing to the poster on the wall of all the drugs used to treat neurological conditions, telling him there sure are a lot of drugs on that poster, and I'll try them all before putting a wire in my brain.

I also told him, I wanted to stick with these meds (Lamictal and Neurontin), as they don't make me feel so bad. I also let him know I would keep smoking my mota and get off those meds one day.

He just smiled.
It sounds like your sugar levels got too low!!!
When your smoking pot it has an adverse reaction with the body and causes low blood sugar levels... you should drink sugary drinks, eat chocolate or sweets and it should sort you right out and quite fast.
Its a tip I picked up off the coffee-shop workers in amsterdam.
im not really sure about this, but dont people who have ADHD have lots of energy already (especially the hyperactive part)? You say you take the adderall to give you more energy? why do you think you were waking up every five minutes?? ...could it be the adderall? anyway i dont know but i think you should just smoke weed and see what happens if you stop taking that other drug. hmm i have a hard time waking up in the morning too. maybe you could get a really loud alarm clock and put it on the other side of the room so when it goes off you have to get up.
shadylady said:
It sounds like your sugar levels got too low!!!
When your smoking pot it has an adverse reaction with the body and causes low blood sugar levels... you should drink sugary drinks, eat chocolate or sweets and it should sort you right out and quite fast.
Its a tip I picked up off the coffee-shop workers in amsterdam.

Wow! I didn't know that! I actually smoked out a few days after the incident and I had a lot of sweets with me... and I felt great, too! Loll.

J842P said:
Well, its an amphetamine, aka SPEED.
Personally I advise you not to take more than the recommended dose.
Here's the best place for information about things like that:

Yeah, I know it's an amphetamine... but I don't abuse it. And calling it by its street name isn't going to scare me. It's equivalent to calling marijuana "pot" and sending shivers down my spine. Not gonna work, if that was what you were even attempting... :-/ I only took a few extra milligrams to keep me up for a few more hours (so I wouldn't knock out at my friend's house...). It's not like I'm gettin' high off the pills. Sorry, but hallucinations are not for me.

HappyKitty said:
Everyone reacts differently to a particular drug. And it's right, there's many other alternatives you can use.

Tell your doctor it makes you feel strange and you want to try something else. Saying that should be enough. You are an adult and you just have to make your own decisions about your health. Do a little research, google is a great thing. Learn more about ADHD and you may find another answer yourself. If this doctor is not helping you, find another one. Many doctors treat different health problems different ways. Some work, some don't.

Doctors are not God, although many people treat them as such.

My neurologist has tried three different drugs trying to control my seizures. The last one has made them less frequent, but has not stopped them. He wants to put one of those Vagal Nerve Responder in my brain.

I keep pointing to the poster on the wall of all the drugs used to treat neurological conditions, telling him there sure are a lot of drugs on that poster, and I'll try them all before putting a wire in my brain.

I also told him, I wanted to stick with these meds (Lamictal and Neurontin), as they don't make me feel so bad. I also let him know I would keep smoking my mota and get off those meds one day.

He just smiled.

God, HappyKitty... my doctor's exactly like yours... except that he didn't smile. He just furiously scribbled some bullshit on his clipboard. I agree that some drugs do work properly if USED properly... but some of the stuff out there does a lot more harm than good. I know this personally... just because I've had to endure the tons of shit that pharma-drugs dumped on my door-step. Adderall is a godsend. It really does help me... but it brings some bad baggage with it. Personally, I don't want to die because of ADHD-relief. I'm sick of waking up 14 hours later (on a regular day) because I've forgotten to take my pills. It's getting stupid at this point. I want to be natural, know what I mean? I'm like you- I want to get off all my shit... and go natural. The problem is: I've started to view pharmaceutical drugs like the Vagal Nerve Responder. I'd rather do everything else out there that I can... than have to take another pill.
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