whats going on with this plant?


New Member
hello all:cheesygrinsmiley: i have a strain called NL'S. i'm getting rust spots on a few leafs.. she's 23 days into flowering... to give u a little rundown on my set up the soil is fox farms ocean fresh, i use fox farm big bloom 01-03-07 1tbl and tigerbloom 2-8-4 once a week with a 1000w hps.. can anybody tell me what's going on and how to fix it b4 it dies on me:hmmmm: thanks:headbanger:
How much Tiger Bloom are you using??

Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium is a component of the chlorophyll molecule and serves as a cofactor in most enzymes.
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency:
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins. Notice how the veins remain somewhat green though as can be seen in figure 15.
Notice how in figure 16 and 17 the leaves curl upwards like they're praying? They're praying for Mg! The tips may also twist.
This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.
Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.

Figure 15
I thought it may have been the Tiger Bloom. This stuff is very easy to burn with if mixed too strong. 2 tsp. per gallon however sounds fine, and I have used Tiger Bloom before at this strength with no burning. Perhaps it may be actually be a mag. deficiency.

Also, check your soil pH.
RooRman said:
I thought it may have been the Tiger Bloom. This stuff is very easy to burn with if mixed too strong. 2 tsp. per gallon however sounds fine, and I have used Tiger Bloom before at this strength with no burning. Perhaps it may be actually be a mag. deficiency.

Also, check your soil pH.
thanks 4 the reply roorman. i thought it was a mag problem too, so i give her a good flushing last night a gave her 2tbs of dom lime maybe that will help...
fasts102376 said:
thanks 4 the reply roorman. i thought it was a mag problem too, so i give her a good flushing last night a gave her 2tbs of dom lime maybe that will help...
you need I need to speel it right calcium
so what are you useing now
how is you ph ?

what size piot are you useing ?

when and how much are you watering ??

and how much furtlizer are you useing and what is it ?
wall437 said:
so what are you useing now
how is you ph ?

what size piot are you useing ?

when and how much are you watering ??

and how much furtlizer are you useing and what is it ?
the ph meter i got it saids little over 7 but it's a cheaps ass ph tester .. pots r 3gallon mop buckets. i feed it 2tsp of tiger bloom and 1tbs per gallon once's a week... hope that helps...
After careful review, I believe it has nothing to do with your ferts. Big Bloom's recommended application is up to 4 tablespoons per gallon, and Tiger Bloom's, 4 teaspoons. You have not exceeded these limits on either one, in fact, you went on the weaker side, which I might add is not a bad idea to start. What you have is presenting a bit like nutrient burn, but is looking more and more like severe Mg deficiency.

1 tablespoon of Epsom Salt per gallon of water, as it says in NDW's growing thread, sounds like it should take care of the Mg problem. I would refer to the link to his thread for more on this.

I would also purchase a soil pH test kit and find out what the pH of the soil is. If the pH of the soil is off, plants cannot access certain nutrients vital to healthy growth and pleantiful budding.
RooRman said:
After careful review, I believe it has nothing to do with your ferts. Big Bloom's recommended application is up to 4 tablespoons per gallon, and Tiger Bloom's, 4 teaspoons. You have not exceeded these limits on either one, in fact, you went on the weaker side, which I might add is not a bad idea to start. What you have is presenting a bit like nutrient burn, but is looking more and more like severe Mg deficiency.

1 tablespoon of Epsom Salt per gallon of water, as it says in NDW's growing thread, sounds like it should take care of the Mg problem. I would refer to the link to his thread for more on this.

I would also purchase a soil pH test kit and find out what the pH of the soil is. If the pH of the soil is off, plants cannot access certain nutrients vital to healthy growth and pleantiful budding.
thanks a bunch roorman:adore: this may sound dumb to ya but is there a certin kind of epsom salt i shoulds get?
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