What's the funniest thing you've said/done/thought while high?

On my last birthday I was supposed to have a party, but one fucking person showed up. But it was all good because I had stock piled alot of grass(figuring people would show up) and me and my friend smoked it all ourselves. Anyway we were hanging out in my room and I had this sort of clear beach ball that glowed in the dark and had a star floatingin the middle and we were bouncing that around. Then my friend lobbed the ball at me and it bounced off my head and went straight up and hit cover on my ceiling lights and knocked it off. It fell and landed right in my arms(this thing was made of glass so had I missed it it would've shattered over my feet). I didn't even know what had happened until about 10 seconds afterwards when I looked in my arms and figured out I'd caught it. Later on that night I also chased a beetle that was flying around my room with my shoe. That was fucking fun, it was like an action movie.
me and my friend thought ahead of time about laughing at mcdonalds, so we recorded our orders on this little mini tape recorder. we played them to the cashier, and got asked to leave.......it was gay, because we warned him of the proffanity ahead of time ;)
The first time I got high, I didn't feel high at all. According to all the people I was with, I was baked as fuck, and did the stupidest thing I've ever supposedly done, and I can't even remember it. They said I walked into the back of a truck, backed up, stared at it for about a minute while they all sat there laughing, then tried to walk through it again. Damn I musta been fucked :rolleyes: :D
Worked in a tube mill and for lunch WE would go to the car and smoke heavy. I was doing a job that I have to use a tape measure. I told my foreman "Hey, these tubes are cut wrong, they are measuring out to be 7 inches and 9-eights!" (7-9/8).

Think my boss wanted to smack me for messing with his head. I was serious. That dam thing was 9/8's. Aint it fun to GET HIGH.
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