When Should I Raise The Nute Concentration For This Seedling


Well-Known Member
I planted a germinated White Widow seed in an Aero-Garden. Its on a twenty on and four off light cycle.
I am using Bloom Micro and Grow. I added a half teaspoon of each to a gallon of PH 5.5 water.
Today is day eleven. I am wondering when I should increase the nute concentration and by how much?
Its about one inch tall and has really long roots.

This is going to be a mother plant and when I have taken the cutting I want I will switch it to twelve/twelve light cycle.

If you havent got a ppm meter mate then wait untill the bottom 2 leaves start to turn yellow then go up by 50%.
Just repeat that process.
The first thing to get deficit of is nitrogen.
The bottom leaves will turn yellow from the tip backwards.
Shouldn't have anything to worry about for the next 2 weeks or so though :)
Thanks! Barney86. I use the PH test kit that you add drops of solution to water and go by the color.
Its inexpensive and accurate. I have a TDS meter as well.
Shit sorry mate I've got myself confused. Thought this was a different thread I'll delete that lol..


Turns out it the same response anyway haha what's your ppm mate. TDS or E/C reading will do :)

Also, you said you added this to ph5.5 water.
Don't do that mate. Add the nutes then pH the mix.
Also, have a quick flick of the first couple pages of the how to feed a non recirc , under my name.
Should explain things better :)
Thanks for the info! The TDS of the water out of the tap is 260.
The TDS in the reservoir is 660. So 400 is the actual TDS of the nutes.
Th PH is 5.5. I added a small air stone to the reservoir.
It grew substantially since yesterday.
I added some Micro and Grow the TDS is now 1000 -260 for the water so 740.
I removed the bottom pair of fan leaves.

I'd cut that right down mate. Here's my current lot. They're on 800+50 tap water.
You only need like 100-200 + at this point.
If you don't drop it you'll most likely fry them pretty soon. Usually N tox which stunts them then they'll fry with pH problems.
Remember, you can't force feed a plant. The less nutes you use the better the plant will grow. Getting hungry causes zero damage.
Toxing them can fuck them right up for weeks and the damage is already done by the time you can see it.
Less is always best buddy. :)


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Thanks Barney86! I just drained and refilled the reservoir its now 510 -260 for the water so 250.
Yeah that's much better mate. Wait till iether the ppm starts dropping or the bottom node starts going a bit yellow to up them. Whichever comes first then just go up 50% at a time. All there is to it really. Feed light and nothing else can really go wrong. :) Nutrient wise anyway. Won't save you from a cat lol.
When the TDS drops enough that the lower leaves start to turn yellow I should raise the TDS to around 600?
When the TDS drops enough that the lower leaves start to turn yellow I should raise the TDS to around 600?
Just add 50% more once the drop or yellow comes mate. Whatever it works out to be. By doing it that way your pretty much garunteed to stay in the Goldilocks range.
Most likely be a couple weeks before iether event anyway so you can chill for the time being. :)
Its doing very well. I tried my hand at FIMing we will see how I did over the next few days.
Should I be removing some of the leaves so the light get to the lower part of the plant?

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