When to start flowering in a scrog? Help?


New Member
Hey fellow 420's just looking for some advice on when to start flowering this is only my second grow and i have never done a Scrog before ... The strain is super lemon haze by greenhouse seeds
I haven't grown any haze strains but i think they're pretty lanky. Regardless of what strain it is, I would start flowering yesterday, or perhaps in a week ago. :). You'll be fine. :thumb:
The netting you have looks a bit floppy and awkward- I prefer something a little stiffer. But it will work fine.
If you have wiggle headroom to be able to raise the netting and lights in case of rapid stretching, things are more comfortable. But generally with enough willpower anything can be scrogged into two dimensions.
Haha yes I made sure I kept plenty of room above and have just bought another load of led lights so I can take the hps out so they can definitely move higher if needed ... And your right about the netting it would have been much better if it was stiffer I think a nylon/plastic one would work much better ... I'll flick them over to 12/12 tomorrow as well thanks for the advice
Cool. I use a wooden frame and stretch string across it tightly, but in hindsight just a metal fence/grate type thing probably would be easier. I made individual screens for each plant so I can shuffle things around. I can fit eight of these in the flowering room at one time. I put the screens on the plants at the time I move them into the flowering room. So far I haven't found any strains that I haven't been able to wrestle into submission, although a Thai Stick plant I grew last month was looking pretty scary. Turned out to be a male though. Supercropping is a very useful trick to know
i'm in my second week of flowering with my 'little' northern lights haze
i'm hoping she has enough space left till harvest time as she's much more sativa then your beauty and maybe needs even longer .... vendors says 65-75 days .... and she gained like 15cm height in the past days and is nearly filling out my scrog screen by now .... but i stopped tucking her back after the first week to let her grow on her own, dunno if that was the right thing to do :)
Ye ive been lost with when to start flowering, my last grow I ended up with a lemon Kush 3 feet round and 6 feet tall but the colas were huge but was hard to keep on top of
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