White mildew?


Active Member
Is this mildew or just crystals forming? I started using autopot system but got problems with milky water and slimey tubes. Then decided to transplant it to a smartpot and just handfeed it instead. No signs of rot root or at least i think. This is My first time ever doing this so im quite confused about getting every aspects of growing in order. The plant is only 13 days old and a dos si dos auto flower from barneys farm. Wondering if i should invest in banish pest control or if its just me bring paranoid :D

Is this mildew or just crystals forming? I started using autopot system but got problems with milky water and slimey tubes. Then decided to transplant it to a smartpot and just handfeed it instead. No signs of rot root or at least i think. This is My first time ever doing this so im quite confused about getting every aspects of growing in order. The plant is only 13 days old and a dos si dos auto flower from barneys farm. Wondering if i should invest in banish pest control or if its just me bring paranoid :D

I’m doubting crystals at that young age of plant. Whats your RH% and Temp running and are you running a small fan in your tent for air circulation?
I have a fan on 24/7. Dont have a meter to check the humidity and room temp, but I live in quite the humid area. Right now the air humidity is around 80% outside. I think that My room temp is about 20-25 degrees cel°. I unfortunatly live in a place where growing is forbidden, so pulling ventilation through aluminium tubes is a risk.
I’m doubting crystals at that young age of plant. Whats your RH% and Temp running and are you running a small fan in your tent for air circulation?
I have a fan on 24/7. Dont have a meter to check the humidity and room temp, but I live in quite the humid area. Right now the air humidity is around 80% outside. I think that My room temp is about 20-25 degrees cel°. I unfortunatly live in a place where growing is forbidden, so pulling ventilation through aluminium tubes is a risk.
Hey Dankjuu,

Welcome to 420! The seedling is new, the leaf structure is covered with fuzz but I don’t believe you have powdery mold. Suggest getting a $15 hygrometer to help monitor temps and rh in your grow space. For indoors gardens it’s not enough to monitor the temp & rh - you need to be able to control the environment.

Running without an extraction fan is perfectly fine but your garden will flourish better if you keep temp & rh within the green zone on a VPD chart. Here’s a link - see post #5 VPD chart
Hey Dankjuu,

Welcome to 420! The seedling is new, the leaf structure is covered with fuzz but I don’t believe you have powdery mold. Suggest getting a $15 hygrometer to help monitor temps and rh in your grow space. For indoors gardens it’s not enough to monitor the temp & rh - you need to be able to control the environment.

Running without an extraction fan is perfectly fine but your garden will flourish better if you keep temp & rh within the green zone on a VPD chart. Here’s a link - see post #5 VPD chart
Thank you for welcoming me and also for the quick reply, will def check out the chart. I will instantly invest in a hygrometer. Thought about putting an extra fan pointing towards one of the exit holes, what is your opinion? And can I buy the banish pest control and use it - Just to be safe - even though its not the case of mildew? And how does it work do I just dissolve it with water and spray it onto the leaves or do I put It in the water for waterings?
Sure, it’s my pleasure! Yes a hygrometer is a necessary tool. That’s how I run passive intake with small fan pushing warm air out up top. Wettable sulfur is good for several pests plus is a preventative for pm. I’m not familiar with Banish, so best guess - read the labels & follow their instructions. Many are dual purpose as in foliar spray or soil drench / root drench but I have never used that product
Sure, it’s my pleasure! Yes a hygrometer is a necessary tool. That’s how I run passive intake with small fan pushing warm air out up top. Wettable sulfur is good for several pests plus is a preventative for pm. I’m not familiar with Banish, so best guess - read the labels & follow their instructions. Many are dual purpose as in foliar spray or soil drench / root drench but I have never used that product
Getting hygrometer tomorrow. Instead of banish i bougth some neem powder that can be used as foliar spray. Also purchased some boster for the roots to support them a bit.
Sure, it’s my pleasure! Yes a hygrometer is a necessary tool. That’s how I run passive intake with small fan pushing warm air out up top. Wettable sulfur is good for several pests plus is a preventative for pm. I’m not familiar with Banish, so best guess - read the labels & follow their instructions. Many are dual purpose as in foliar spray or soil drench / root drench but I have never used that product
Just a small update just bought the hygrometer. My min RH is 39% and max is 54%. My room temp is min 23 degrees cel. And max is 31 degrees cel. Also bougth a New fan which i placed at the bottom. Any opinion on everything so far?


Most excellent! Watch the temp on the upper end about 28 is really good
Just spotted that the two round starting leaves are getting yellowish and a little brittle in its looks. Is this the natural cause of development or is it some warning sign. And should i cut it off or let it fall off by itself?
Leave them.... The round leaves are cotyledons and serve as backup food source for the seedling. As the plant grows it will pull nutrients from lower leaves and they will go yellow, even tho it looks bad to us, the plant doesn’t care. Leaves are nutrient storage, they do transpiration & more so I leave them hanging. Plus if you have a real problem and cut the yellows off - a lot of times that almost ensures the problem will spread to the next node or next pair of leaves up the stalk. In this case it’s not a problem
Leave them.... The round leaves are cotyledons and serve as backup food source for the seedling. As the plant grows it will pull nutrients from lower leaves and they will go yellow, even tho it looks bad to us, the plant doesn’t care. Leaves are nutrient storage, they do transpiration & more so I leave them hanging. Plus if you have a real problem and cut the yellows off - a lot of times that almost ensures the problem will spread to the next node or next pair of leaves up the stalk. In this case it’s not a problem
Thank you for the response, sry for All the questions but its My very first time doing this so im quite green on the different topics Best regards DankJuu
Just a small update on how things are going. Just started showing its first White hairs but then i saw 3-4 small bilisters on the bottom of the stem. Its hard and the same colour as the stem itself. Anything to worry about?
Just a small update on how things are going. Just started showing its first White hairs but then i saw 3-4 small bilisters on the bottom of the stem. Its hard and the same colour as the stem itself. Anything to worry about?
Not at all, they are just root precursors. If you buried that part of the stem in soil, each of those spots would become a new root. Above ground they just turn into a kind of bark/woody exterior. Plant looks good!
Not at all, they are just root precursors. If you buried that part of the stem in soil, each of those spots would become a new root. Above ground they just turn into a kind of bark/woody exterior. Plant looks good ot at all, they are just root . If you buried that part of the stem in soil, each of those spots would become a new root. Above ground they just turn into a kind of bark/woody exterior. Plant looks good!
Perfect thank you so much! Would it help the plant further if i add some more dirt? Or isnt it gonna do much for the end result?
It will not hurt it, more dirt never hurts if it is good quality. More roots are always good, but you are growing inside, so there has to be a limit somewhere. :D Your pot appears plenty full and good size, so it is definitely not necessary.
I have had issues in the past adding dirt after spouting, I have learned to keep the soil away from stem because of rotting. These are not like tomatoes and don't react well to having new soil packed up the stem. When/if I add soil I leave the area around the stem at the level it stared at. I think it looks fine and would just let it go.
Thanks for the usefull info Im a little sensitive when it comes to the plant, i unfortunatly only have room for 1 and its my very first one. Always wanted to try and grow My own stuff, and maybe expand when i get a little more space.

This one is a auto Dos Si Dos - Barneys farm. The next seeds in line is:
Bruce Banner #3 - Originalsensible
Auto Blueberry Ghost OG - Originalsensible
Auto Dos Si Dos - Originalsensible
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