White Widow Halloween Grow With 315 Watt CMH Light Journal

Most challenging of all for me has been getting the nute strength & quantity bang on - sometimes I've given not enuff or too much & it's caused slight damage - still learning to read & respond to plant signs - do any of u guys have tips about this?

Have noticed that they peak in their thirst a couple weeks into bloom (eg up to end of the stretch) then two weeks into bloom when i stripped em back underneath they dropped in the volume required - seems now, on wk six of bloom, that they've entered an accelerated flowering phase and now I've just started feeding twice a day again instead of just once a day (half a serving at night as well as a full serving into the coco at the start of their day)
Here is a lil teaser I found in one of the trim bags. I just tossed anything small into the bag so I could trim a lil faster. Now I'm going through the trim bag and cutting out any decent buds to dry and have while the rest cures.

Here is a lil teaser I found in one of the trim bags. I just tossed anything small into the bag so I could trim a lil faster. Now I'm going through the trim bag and cutting out any decent buds to dry and have while the rest cures.

Yezzzzzzz that looks mighty tasty. Cant wait till the real smoke n yeild report. Please let me know if the 5 bagsystem is a pain in the ass for what its worth.
I think i flippin to flower real soon before my tent is to stuffed. Hopefully its not to packed and o will have enough room.
Just ordered a 5 piece extraction bag off amazon. Excited to see what I can get out of the trim

Checkbout my journal

Laughing Buddha First Grow
I wish you was my neighbor I want you to smell this stuff. Maybe its because I'm growing it and I'm around it while its fresh? But ive never smelled weed like this. Dunno if that's a good or bad thing. It just has very very different smell than I'm use to smelling. Maybe it will change into something that smells more familiar once its properly dried out and cured?
Hey Grebs,
Job well done! Congrats on the successful harvest! Smell, taste and potency definitely improve with curing. Give it little time, I'm sure you're gonna be pleased ..
My tent is relatively small. 3 foot by 3 foot. No room for my fat ass in there even with 1 plant.
As for a guess on dry weight, Well if I lose 80% I still should get about 12 oz. Theres a lot of stem there tho to get cut off. Hoping for around 10 oz


Some got cut out of the pic but you get the idea
I'm guessing 13.5 Zs.
What are u using to stabilize ur humidity? My humidifier gets it way to high and then my RH is always in the 30s of I don't use it. Bowl of water ain't doin nothin also during the drying process I've read everywhere ur humidity needs to be lower so u don't get mold?

"You can fail at doing something you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing something you love" ~ Jim Carrey
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