White Widow - Is This Normal & Will It Produce Useful Buds?


New Member
My flowering white widow is growing retarded, I'm worried that its not going to produce worthy fruits any info will help. I am currently using LED lights they are Diamond 100x2, 1 Platinum 150, and 1 900w Mars Hydro. the light regmien is 12/12 using soil/super soil . This is an organic grow and i water when i feel they need it . light is about 18in away from top canopy.
first pic is her on 4/2/15 11days in veg
2nd &3rd are flower

went into flower on 5/13/15
any help is much apprieciated. Let me know if you want more info or pics.
re: White Widow - Is This Normal & Will It Produce Useful Buds??

are they in 3 us gallon pots..? as the red light will encourage those internodes further apart, re blue light(6500k) makes them closer together, this plant don't look like it had much veg time, ...more details required
Re: White Widow - Is This Normal & Will It Produce Useful Buds??

No, they don't appear to be normal if they have been in 12/12 for nearly a month. I'm growing white widow too.

I can't say what your problem is; perhaps like vastok says they missed out on veg time. Upload more pictures and more details and maybe the experts on 420 can help you save your grow.

"A White Widow is a terrible thing to waste."
Re: White Widow - Is This Normal & Will It Produce Useful Buds??

my white widow vegged for 7wks from 3/23/15 to 5/12/15. went ito flower on 5/13/15. she is in 4gal square buckets. my camera is crappy that might be why you see more red than blues. i also took clones from this plant and it to is growing wierd. i'm starting to think its a gentic thing.

here is some more pics hopefully these are a little better.
Kind of looks like industrial hemp
I know its not industrial hemp, I bought these from seed company. Must be a mutant plant. I will post a pic of her when she is finished. Oh and the light is 12 inches away from the top so i have no clue why this happened
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