White Widow leaves folding: other plants are fine


420 Member
Hello all. Longtime lurker.

So I have 4 plants coming along nicely. Two Mango Kush, 1 Blueberry Kush, and 1 White Widow.

Now, the other 3 are looking fine. No visible issues. However, the White Widow's leaves (both new and old growth, but more so new growth) are folding like a taco/V shape. Again, none of the other plants are doing this so I know it's not heat stress.

Is this, perhaps, typical for WW? Here's the environment details.. they're applicable to all 4 plants:

Age: day 20 (from breaking the surface)​
1 gallon fabric​
60% Canna coco/40% perlite​
H&G nutes (5ml A, 5ml B, 1ml Root Excelurator, 5ml CalMag; mixed into 1g feed jug); feed daily.​
1x Viparspectra 450w LED​
Intake + exhaust (air moving well but not blowing directly on any of the plants)​
Temp: 22.5C​
RH: 50%​
LST: 19.5C​
pH: 6.0​
EC: 1.1​
Tent: 3x3x6​
She's growing at a decent rate, and usually that's all that matters to me. I did have some issues with calcium deficiencies early on as this is really my first go-around with a proper coco grow, but I believe I should have that under control now?

I've been feeding each plant the exact same solution at the exact same times of the day. Why would only the WW have leaves that are folding in half? As I understand it, that would indicate it's trying to retain moisture, but again, the temp/RH/LST (VPD) is fine, there are no fans blowing directly on her, and it's only happening to her.

She's definitely a little rough around the edges. Any advice to clean her up would be greatly appreciated.



All plants, like people,need and want different nutrients, light, water, etc

She is young do no worries yet

How close is yer light?
26", which is likely a little far as the leaf temps are running a little cooler than normal today.

Right, and I'm not super worried as, like you said, she's still young.

Since the other strains are doing fine I was also leaning toward treating the WW differently in terms of nutes, but I have no clue what that entails. Can't find any White Widow specific feeding schedules online anywhere.

Whatever I'm doing, the Mango Kush are loving it. The WW, seemingly not so much.

Appreciate the reply!
Pics of them all

I'd watch her...if yer at a high strength nutes, maybe back her off like 25% or so

If I remember, my WW was a bit finacy, sativa can be if she is a Sativa leaner
I don't see a problem. Being a hybrid, WW does take on some of the sativa characteristics, but your plant looks fine to me. That is not tacoing by the way, that is a normal plant doing a normal thing... it is called transpiration. WW is trying to increase the wind capturing abilities of its leaves so that it can evaporate more water.... more water evaporated means more water coming in via the roots. She appears to be doing great! If your other plants are not getting this sort of lift, it is they who have the problem, not this WW.
I don't see a problem. Being a hybrid, WW does take on some of the sativa characteristics, but your plant looks fine to me. That is not tacoing by the way, that is a normal plant doing a normal thing... it is called transpiration. WW is trying to increase the wind capturing abilities of its leaves so that it can evaporate more water.... more water evaporated means more water coming in via the roots. She appears to be doing great! If your other plants are not getting this sort of lift, it is they who have the problem, not this WW.

No kidding? The WW is actually growing the fastest so I figured there couldn't really be much of anything wrong with her. Thank you very much for that insight.

It's funny because, to me, this leaf shape actually better resembles a taco (V shape) than most other taco leaves I've seen lol.

Even though she's outgrown the deficiencies you can see on the lower leaves, do you have any confirmation as to what might caused those issues? E.g.. The spotty leaves, wrinkling, coloured edges. I began adding CalMag and that may have done the trick. Or she just grew out of it.
I do see signs that you're watering too often though

Right. I noticed this this morning actually.

Even though I have a near 50/50 coco/perlite mix, in a fabric pot with good air movement, great drainage, it appears I have still managed to overwater her lol.

I've been feeding just once a day to ~10% runoff. I've been reading over and over again that consistent, frequent fertigation in coco is highly recommended as EC/pH fluctuations by letting the medium dry out can do more harm than good.

Now, with that said, I'm confident that I did transplant up from the solo cup to the 1g, too soon which would explain the overwatering. Lesson learned big time regarding not transplanting too soon. I'm a longtime soil guy so this coco is all rather new to me.

Would it be advised to feed every second day then? Or really just wait until the coco dries out more than usual before feeding, at least until she's grown more (greater root structure)?

I appreciate everybody's time!
ah... well that changes everything... you can't overwater coco... many people top off the containers twice a day in coco. The trick is to add the air in before hand... are you bubbling your water so that your roots can get oxygen?

No I am not. I've never even heard of bubbling the water for coco. Short of using a straw and blowing in (unless that's an adequate method) how would you suggest I add more oxygen to the water? I was always under the impression that water already contained enough oxygen.
most use an aquarium pump and an airstone, but back in the day I used to put my water in gallon jugs and shake the heck out of them. I would give them to my brother and give him a joint if he could shake them for a certain amount of time. The plants in soil even love this, but in coco, where the medium is under water all the time, it is imperative to put the extra oxygen in there. Shake up the next watering and try it... see if you can see a difference.
most use an aquarium pump and an airstone, but back in the day I used to put my water in gallon jugs and shake the heck out of them. I would give them to my brother and give him a joint if he could shake them for a certain amount of time. The plants in soil even love this, but in coco, where the medium is under water all the time, it is imperative to put the extra oxygen in there. Shake up the next watering and try it... see if you can see a difference.

Lmao. Ya, an aquarium pump would also work as opposed to me sitting there blowing air in with a straw haha. My brain farted.

And great! I'm already shaking the solution right up until the moment I feed the plants. I've always been doing it with the intention if ensuring the mixture is, well, thoroughly mixed. I tend to hold a slight paranoia with that.

But you do raise a great point that I could likely be feeding more often which would introduce more oxygen more frequently instead of my once a day feedings right now. I've always understood that overwatering is actually just another name for lack of oxygen to the roots.

I bet you're right! Thanks man. I mean, everything else is in check'ish: VPD, airflow, and so on.

Let me add this: I have a Blueberry Kush still in a solo cup and I feed it ~3-4x per day and it's doing phenomenal. Just light feedings with ~5% runoff, but frequent feedings, nonetheless. That completely backs up your advice.

Awesome. Cheers man.
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