White Widow starting to flower in 39 days?


Active Member
I just noticed some white hairs starting to project out of my plants. I'm a first time newbie at this. Is this normal? My plants are only about a foot high. Been using an 18/6 light cycle. Only got the opportunity to pinch them once! So, can anyone help me out here. Now what? I plan to decrease the lights to 12/12. Should I transplant them now? I repotted them into one G containers and planned to move those into 3G's, but now that they're starting to flower, what should I do?
Not so sure I like these auto-flowering plants. I wanted to get the plants to get quite a bit larger. The largest one is only about 13-14" in height. They are healthy and doing very well, just not very large. Any suggestions as to what strain I should try next time for a larger yield/larger plants?
Dutch Passion has three or so auto-flowering strains that can reportedly reach reasonable size.

I'm guessing that growing them in small containers probably caused your plants to begin flowering earlier than they otherwise might have. But that's just a guess. If you have any seeds left of that strain, next time try growing them in your three-gallon containers from the beginning (or very close to that point).
I just noticed some white hairs starting to project out of my plants. I'm a first time newbie at this. Is this normal? My plants are only about a foot high. Been using an 18/6 light cycle. Only got the opportunity to pinch them once! So, can anyone help me out here. Now what? I plan to decrease the lights to 12/12. Should I transplant them now? I repotted them into one G containers and planned to move those into 3G's, but now that they're starting to flower, what should I do?
Not so sure I like these auto-flowering plants. I wanted to get the plants to get quite a bit larger. The largest one is only about 13-14" in height. They are healthy and doing very well, just not very large. Any suggestions as to what strain I should try next time for a larger yield/larger plants?
Hello JBVT! I have successfully grown the excellent CKS White Widow Auto flower twice now! It has made me some really good smoke with nice yields! As mentioned already, you should start in a three or five gallon bag when soil growing. Autos do not like to be disturbed once growing and they mature so fast any disruption may cause big reductions in vigor! Given enough light . nutrition, water and ventilation and with a bit of luck you will still get a good bud or two! Auto Flower plants mature fast, some show sex in three weeks and may be still quite small and only inches high! You know that by now and soon you will be harvesting buds! They size up close to finish, and I had cured buds larger than a beer bottle in girth and well over a foot long from my WWA plants. The yield was varied between the plants from as little as 30 grams (cured Bud) to as much as 52 grams from just one bud and 219 grams from one plant. I have hot pressed some of the buds with good results into some most tangy, terpine loaded and pleasing dabs. The White Widow autos are like many good autos -smaller in height than many photo plants, compactness is to be expected from them, but their yields are similar to other auto strains that are a couple feet taller.. Anyway, I hope you try it again and even if you don't get much this time, know that you can grow some great smoke with White Widow and you are likely to get better results and yields next time.It is actually very easy to grow. Autos don't like any interruptions in their race to maturity, so keep things flowing from the start, Germinate as instructed by cks, plant in full size bags(3-5 gal.) and closely monitor your plants as any good grow requires. Even newbies can do a little LST, but carefull about topping autos! It must be done precisely and very early on, before flowering begins and that means on new plants or you risk diminishing the yield and effecting the vigor of the plant. I did not top any on these two grows. On some varieties,it may not be the best way to increase yield, anyway! I did experience a wide range of maturation times with this variety. I lost the notebook on start dates/etc.(bummer) but the plants matured in both grows, spread out over several weeks. Main take away on growing autos subject; Don't disrupt the plant in anyway from seed to finish, once sex characteristics show leave them alone (don't top after they start flower!), LST ok but be careful to not break anything,they will not make it up later, keep them properly watered, drying out too much, just one time, can really hurt and don't over water! So,do your basic plant care and they swiftly and easily mature and give nice yields! Remember, three crops per year in the same pot, easily, they do well in small spaces, 12-16 can be grown under one 600watt hps in a 4x4 tent and easily yield over two pounds cured bud each time! I grew four WW plants to maturity under a T5 six bulb fixture over a bench in an open room, with lights going on and off at random - 188 grams cured good buds, you can't do that except with autos! Good Luck, I hope you find what fits your needs best!
Hi TT! Thanks for all the great info! I have some serious buds going on here. Having a mix of clear, milky and a little bit of amber terps at the moment. I am not really sure WHEN to harvest these. Can you give me a bit of advice on that topic? Attaching some photos for your viewing pleasure. ;)


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Looking good, Pal! The buds keep firming up and swelling right up till the end! If you harvested now, it would be good already, however, it will improve if you wait until the slight majority of the trichs are turned amber! An abundance of orange hairs will be present, as well as a quite frosty appearance to the naked eye! There is a bit of variance in this cultivar and the plants will not all look alike or be the same size. With about 100x to 150x magnification you can see the trichs better. The little nubs of goodness will turn from white to amber quickly, towards the end, do not wait too long, overripe buds begin to loose some of their goodness and the terpines that make it taste so nice, when picked at the right time. I am not an expert, just an old hippy ,that learned when to harvest by trial and error, 50 years ago. Relax ,smoke a bowl, it will be nice and their is another grow to adjust your techniques!
Thanks Tim. I think I'm going to harvest two of my four plants and then let the remaining two ripe a little more. All of this is new to me so I am going by trial and error for my first grow! I guess I must have done something right, as I have a LOT of nice white/red buds and healthy plants.
I think your going to enjoy the WWAuto ! I have often taken different plants at different stages of ripening so I can see when I like that strain the best. Less ripe, a bit more upbeat high,fully ripe often results in a more relaxing stoned feeling or even couch lock! Some I enjoy more one way than the other. Because of treating my RA I usually prefer fully matured but not always! Some sativa's are very nice just barely ripe, they will be invigorating! Plus, when you have waited so long to try a new variety, watching it daily, nurturing them, it's hard to not go ahead and try one or two At the earliest time possible!
I'm still not sure what to do. Today is day 42 of flowering. I was told to let it flower for approx 63 days. Seems a little early, but the top buds look ready to me. But, what do I know? I'm a total newbie at this. AGHHHHHH! Someone tell me what to do! :eek:
Inspect the trichomes under magnification(100x or more). Check out threads about harvesting and you will find some pictures of the stages of ripening buds. If your plants have a high percentage of yellowing trichs, it is in the range. Not sure yet, relax , harvest one and let the others go a bit longer. You will learn from the results of staggering your harvest what yielded the best buds for you. Just be sure to keep the plants separate and labeled while curing and in storage. The time it takes plants to mature, even with the same variety/cultivar, may range quite a bit! I had three weeks difference with WWA plants maturation times! That is not real unusual. With a CBD auto I grew, I had a time line of over a month between the first ripe plants and the last to harvest, all of them took much longer than the seeds supplier stated. Taking less time to mature, is less common, but Auto plants are fast and nothing surprises me, when it comes to any plants maturing differently. You may find after taking a plant a bit early, that is how you prefer that variety! We users vary as much as the plants!
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