Who is John Galt?


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Who is John Galt?

Who isn't?

If you're not an Ayn Rand fan, I'll start out by telling you John Galt is not my real name. For security reasons, I'll be keeping my identity anonymous, as in the near future I hope to be posting a journal w/pics.

I'm a Medical Marijuana patient in California, and have always wanted to grow my own - mostly to keep my costs down. For years I've been thinking about it, but either didn't have the space or had security concerns that prevented me from growing.

(For those not familiar, in CA MMJ patients can grow their own legally, but of course the feds might still pilfer you off for a decade or two... But as I'm sure many people here are aware, there's no pain relief like MJ provides, and with the economy the way it is... it's now time to decide between risking my liberty or destroy my internal organs with what the pharmaceutical industry wants me to medicate with. Not a happy position to be in, and not an easy choice.)

... So hard to introduce one's self while remaining anonymous...

I guess I'll just add that I've never owned a plant before, and so I am starting with pretty much zero knowledge/skill. Two weeks ago I acquired two plants from a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who had a living situation crisis and had no choice but to get rid of them. So, I have no information about these except that they are clones and they are in Miracle Grow soil. I was told, "all you have to do is water them."

Well, if I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna take the time to do it well. I don't want 1/2 of crappy weed, I want to grow something I can be proud of! (Something I can stand to smoke for the next month or so... I'm spoiled on the premium buds my coop provides.)

Anyhow, just wanted to introduce myself (and my situation). I really appreciate the invaluable resources this community provides. Thank you all! I look forward to learning more and trying new things. I could see this becoming a rewarding hobby (and one that will save me some serious cash in the long run).

I also look forward to participating in the forum. Keep an eye out for my first grow journal coming soon (might even do one for the plants I acquired... they're already blooming!) - hopefully it will be a tale with a happy ending. :tokin:
Welcome to the community, John. Growing your own meds is great therapy and a hobby that definitely grows on you. Explore the site, glean from those with successful grows and become self-sufficient. You won't regret it!
:welcome:to 420Mag John Galt! WE are here to spread Cannabis Awareness and Information across the universe. I do not know who Ayn Rand is, was, or will be, but if he/she can assist in Our Mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness than ask him to come in out of the cold. Please check out the link in my signature informing you on how to Grow Marijuana. See you around the forums and Stay Safe.
But you may want to read some grow threads and I mean hard reading.

You need more than MG self feeding soil, you will need some light and air movement.
:welcome:to 420Mag John Galt! WE are here to spread Cannabis Awareness and Information across the universe. I do not know who Ayn Rand is, was, or will be, but if he/she can assist in Our Mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness than ask him to come in out of the cold. Please check out the link in my signature informing you on how to Grow Marijuana. See you around the forums and Stay Safe.

Thank you. I'm here not only to learn/teach about growing, but also to fight the good fight to get the government's hands off our bodies (and our buds).

Ayn Rand is an author. Her books speak of Individualism - the idea that each person should decide what to do with their life and how to do it, so long as doing so doesn't harm others. Her writing style isn't for everyone (I find her a writing to be a bit too wordy for my attention span), but the message certainly is important to each of us.

Unfortunately, Ayn Rand is deceased, but her life's work still opens hearts and minds. In effect, she is even today preparing people's hearts and minds to accept something other than what the government and society dictates must be.

Two major events in my life contributed to my transformation from a police-state-loving, pro-war-on-drugs, far-right Republican to the libertarian I am today. One of those events was discovering the writings of Ayn Rand.

(The other event is the very long and sad story about my 7-yr-old fighting a long losing battle against cancer. Maybe I'll share the details another time; suffice it to say the state stood between him and the medicine the doctors wanted to give him to make his last months of life more endurable.)
But you may want to read some grow threads and I mean hard reading.

You need more than MG self feeding soil, you will need some light and air movement.

Already read a couple grow threads; the pictures definitely are worth a thousand words...

As for MG soil... that's just what was in the planters when they arrived. I was told "all you have to do is water them." LOL even before reading anything I knew it couldn't be THAT easy.

The plants are outdoors, so they get plenty of light and air movement. I've started a grow journal to document my first grow. (That reminds me, I should put a link to that thread in my sig.)

Just trying not to get my hopes up. Between the high-quality of the coop buds and the almost-as-high-quality of "black market" buds in this area, I would be surprised if I can produce anything near that good my first go.
Thank you. I'm here not only to learn/teach about growing, but also to fight the good fight to get the government's hands off our bodies (and our buds).

Ayn Rand is an author. Her books speak of Individualism - the idea that each person should decide what to do with their life and how to do it, so long as doing so doesn't harm others. Her writing style isn't for everyone (I find her a writing to be a bit too wordy for my attention span), but the message certainly is important to each of us.

Two major events in my life contributed to my transformation from a police-state-loving, pro-war-on-drugs, far-right Republican to the libertarian I am today. One of those events was discovering the writings of Ayn Rand.

(The other event is the very long and sad story about my 7-yr-old fighting a long losing battle against cancer. Maybe I'll share the details another time; suffice it to say the state stood between him and the medicine the doctors wanted to give him to make his last months of life more endurable.)

Hey I am touched by what you wrote and have lived through. I will definitely be looking for Ayn Rand and :thanks: for the abrigded education. I am always looking to expand my consciousness and intellect and am grateful for the heads up.
I am the single Father of four children (my eldest with autism and many psycholgical issues) and my youngest special needs (education hopefully remedial as I have been told) who loves them all limitless. My heart is heavy with what you have endured and your entire family will be in my prayers. If ever you want to talk PM me anytime and please feel free to ask anything of the site we are here to help. I again :thanks: and wish you a great weekend with safe meds.
Welcome to this Awsome Community.......I know Ayn Rand only by my husbands collection of books. He does tell me stories about John Galt so I am right there with ya! Well....I think you should show us your baby's so we can see how big they are....we love photos here....Well I do....because I have to live vicariously through pics and journals...... It was great reading your introduction and you are definitely among FRIENDS!
Ayn Rand supported unbridled capitalism. With followers like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Alan Greenspan and Mark Sanford praising her work, it erects a red flag to me. While many of her concepts are intriguing, I'm not sure that everyone living with their self-interest as a top priority produces the utopia intended. The rich would get richer and the poor and unskilled would be at their mercy. Challenging the status quo does make people think and examine why they believe what they do, but sad to say, many don't care to know why they believe anything. :peace:
Ayn Rand supported unbridled capitalism. With followers like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Alan Greenspan and Mark Sanford praising her work, it erects a red flag to me. While many of her concepts are intriguing, I'm not sure that everyone living with their self-interest as a top priority produces the utopia intended. The rich would get richer and the poor and unskilled would be at their mercy. Challenging the status quo does make people think and examine why they believe what they do, but sad to say, many don't care to know why they believe anything. :peace:

In the book, "We the Living" the star of the book had to endure the early years of communist Russia. She was shot and died at the end of the book trying to leave the country. It is the only book I ever cried over reading.
That's cool, G-Dog, no harm intended. Just throwing in my liberal views. Peace
I am pretty liberal myself herbfellow, but communism is not the answer. Communism is a very confrontational force into the hearts and souls of it's subjects. Communist do not allow their subjects to leave the state. Communist tell people to praise their leaders and there is punishment for not. Communist elite live lives of royalty while the rest have to stand in line for bread and toilet paper of the worst quality. Communist tell you what kind of job you will have for your whole life and you better like it. Communist banned Levis and the Beatles. I could go on and on, but I will take George W Bush over Stalin hands down.
:surrender:Oh, I'm not promoting communism. However, unbridled capitalism isn't the answer either. Peace brother, I have been trying to avoid political discussions with friends and those I might become friends with, but sometimes I slip.:surrender:
Herbfellow, I hope I can consider you a friend. Friends do not agree on everything, just the important stuff.

Extreme greed is one of worst traits in nature. In school I explained a theory to a prof that greed would be the ultimate end of Walmart. In my theory one day Walmart will implode, like the Russian Communism. My prof was intrigued. I could detail my theory out one day, but not in this thread.

BTW, Communist Russia did implode, exactly the way I had predicted it would. Internally.
I think the U.S. is going to implode.
Communism is a very confrontational force into the hearts and souls of it's subjects.
Communist do not allow their subjects to leave the state.
Communist tell people to praise their leaders and there is punishment for not.
Communist elite live lives of royalty while the rest have to stand in line for bread and toilet paper of the worst quality.
Communist tell you what kind of job you will have for your whole life and you better like it.
Communist banned Levis and the Beatles.

What you are talking about is not "Communism".
It is Soviet Despotism which is more akin to Fascism.
The same conditions have been imposed on citizens under many systems including Capitalism and Fuedalism.
What you are talking about is not "Communism".
It is Soviet Despotism which is more akin to Fascism.
The same conditions have been imposed on citizens under many systems including Capitalism and Fuedalism.

Well, the Russians called their party the Communist Party. We can call it anything we want.. the rainbow party if you want, but that is what the Soviets called it.
Well, I'm glad to see my inclination toward Rand's work inspired debate! I love a good debate!

Herb, I think you, like many people, are confusing capitalism with what we have here in the US. A true Capitalism we definitely do not enjoy. In a true Capitalism, the poor aren't held down in the way they are in our economy (I don't even know what to call it). In pure capitalism, you're allowed to own your body, your property, and the fruit of your labor.

In our system, property is taxed every year ownership is maintained, and if you can not pay or refuse to pay, your property will be taken (and they might incarcerate you as well).

In our system, the government wants a large % of your pay check. (While it's a great idea for each of us to help out the less fortunate, the sad truth is government is not the best way to do this, as much of the money simply pays the bureaucrats. I believe donating 10% of my pay to my favorite non-profit would be of significantly better benefit to the needy.)

In our system, the government tells us what we can/can't do with our bodies and minds. It restricts our creativity, it stifles our ingenuity.

I believe what Ayn Rand espouses is nothing more than leaving people alone to do as they wish with their bodies, minds, and belongings. Capitalism in it's purest form is exactly this.

No matter what you think about selfishness/selflessness and helping the needy, in my personal philosophy it comes down to one thing: are you willing to force others to do as you wish at the point of a gun? Government is force; it is your elected official designating a thug to point a gun at me and take what is rightfully mine. I want everybody to care enough about others to help them out, but I can never condone using force to achieve that.

(The last concept mentioned is commonly known as the Zero Aggression Principle or Non-Aggression Principle - there's a pretty well-written article about it on Wikipedia. For those too lazy or too medicated to look it up, it's the basic idea that it's wrong to be the one "initiating" force. That is, it's only OK to use force to defend yourself, and NOT OK to initiate force to make someone agree with you or do your bidding.)
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