Why did You start?

My daughter's father kept smoking it around me and I was curious. So, for his 25th birthday, I got high with him. And we proceeded to have a REALLY good night.
I Did It Because I Wanted Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sad To Say There Are People Out There Who Blame It On Peer Pressure Or Say It Was Marijuana's Fault I Started Smoking Crack..................fukin Pathetic!!!
I started because I was curious, and that was three years ago. Ever since my first session I have been in love, and now I smoke every day.
MY thoughts were about nothing......... but...........having fun with my BUDdys and trying something for the 1st time-together It's a great and awesome thing..........

Toke 'til I die..........';)
i just wanted to listen to music stoned... lol
Honestly, the first time I smoked I did it just to try it out. But then I met my bf David, and he was a total stoner. So I started to smoke on a regular basis. Because I thought if we had that as common ground...ya know it might last. Then I kept doing it because its fun....and now David and I are just friends and we still smoke together though. But I guess I started to "be like the cool kids." Which was retarded grounds to begin on, but now I dont smoke to be cool. I smoke because I like to have a good time.
Broke up with the Ex. And my sister got me high as shit!
When I was a little kid when we would get sick my grandmother would pack a pipe and make us smoke it. It would give us the muchies and help us sleep so we would get better faster. gotta love those old indian ladies. Later on though we had a hard time fakingsick at grandma's she knew what was up.
Hi - I started mostly out of curiosity. I had a few friends who smoked, and as time passed, I decided to give it a try. To say my 1st smoking experience was exhilarating would be an understatement! I just fell in love with it immediately, and have been smoking more or less regularly ever since, but not necessarily daily. That was all a great many years ago now - I still smoke & LOVE it. No regrets at all - quite the contrary. It's great to chill out with some close friends, and just get mellow.

my first time i didnt even know i was gonna smoke, but i also had been very curius what it was like, he just put some swag in his tiny metal pipe, and another guy was trying for the first time and 2 bowls later we were baked (i wish it stayed that easy) lol. . . i didnt like it the first few times but thats when i fist had chronic and man oh man that changed evreything
peace:allgood: :bong:
I did it when I was younger first with a girl named kayli I knew her since I was six she was doing it and I loved her and we did hydro together and we were in the hot tub and we watched the south east texas nightsky. All the clouds and we're lucky some pretty ass stars. And I did that twice a day for two weeks. THen I got caught and stayed away for two yearsuntil this summer started. I fucking love it. I have never been so relaxed, pain free, enjoyed music this much, and been so stressed free. I just love life now. Maybe I should just like start a religion. Yeah. A religion. YEAH TAX DEDUCTIONS HERE I COME!
i actually sat in D.A.R.E thinking that i would NEVER smoke pot or do any drugs...skip ahead 5 years.... found out my dad & mom smoked,2 brothers smoke, so i was gonna too.... now it keeps me sane to got to work, come home, deal w/ the kids and just life in general:smokin3:
Me and all my Homebois bought a Sweet that Ho! was Phatt!!...We smoked it all we all didn't feel shit we were So exzited! 2 try it :smokin3: ...but other peoplez seen us Blitzed!!!...Then next day we bought another one :laughtwo: ...then we all felt Blitzed!!! :bong: :Rasta: allgood: ...then we loved it! :cool: ...and we been smoking since :allgood:
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