Why did You start?

I never really thought I would ever smoke and it was never really on my mind.. Then when I was in New York visiting some family one of my older cousins let me tag along with his crew. They were all stoners at the time but I never really relized it. We all went to a drive-in movie and they busted out a bowl and I hit it a few times and didnt really feel anything. they were in their early 20s. Anyways probably about a month after that I was with some good friends chillen in the basement and one of my friends pulled out a sweet 4 person hooka and I had no clue what it was.. They just told me to keep on hitting it. We smoked about 3 bowls and thats when I first got high and wow.. I will never forget that day. :laughtwo: I just kind of stuck with it because I enjoy it so much and marijuana is in fact a big part of me today. :allgood:
My friends asked if i wanted to smoke with them..... went under his house smoked 4 bowls got high as hell and loved it.. been smokin ever since
all my best friends were trying it right infront of me so i had the last hits around, and i've came to love it the most haha. Also there was some peer pressure/curiosity too.
hmm i smoke because my object of lust at the time (6 years ago ) smoked and i was laways curious as to why he loved it so much... i was 12. (he was 16.. i've always liked older men) so i followed him one day and he le me smoke with him and man... ive been smoking ever since
I recall that crisp fall day almost 37 yrs ago..... we were in 7th grade (me & Jim) and at a seniors (Petes) house for a reason I've forgotten by now. I guess Pete thought it'd be funny to see us stoned & he asked if we'd like to get high.
Is that peer pressure or contributing to the delinquency of a minor? Anyway....... that's why I started...........:cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:
Well, it seemed like the thing to do , at the time...........No regrets though.
My first time was with some friends my freshman year over christmas break... My friends neighbors house was up for sale and I found a way in.. So we went in there and made a bowl outta a milk carton haha Anyways... We smoked... And it was pretty fucking cool.. Then about 2 weeks later someone bought the house and they found the bowl hahaha! They talked to my friends mom but we denied that shit.. .Good times.
always straight lace, never did anything, never really wanted to, then my friends broke me down after seeing them several times smoking. My friend sean finally broke me down to vap some, i smoked like 2 bowls, went upstairs and didnt feel much for about 15 mins, then got a little funny, laughed almost at everything... ahh good times, the second time was the best though, i got so baked that i actually said, "dude, i can taste plad..." been my close friend since then, i love meh maryjane XD :bongrip:
I was at college, students do all sorts of imaginable and un-imaginable things!
I fell in love with pot from word go... It made me feel better about myself, I really loved the way it made me relax after a hard day's study and practical lectures.
Of course it started with "here try it" so I did. At first I didn't really feel a head change, but the third time I did it with my friend and we smoked out of an apple and it was wonderful, so I decided I liked it. Then after a month or so I started to notice a change in my sleeping pattern-it had actually helped me with my insomnia and I was able to expand my sleep time from an average of two hours a night to 9 and now it's kind of hard to wake up, haha. It's also helped me a bunch with anxiety and just the overall stress I've had to deal with for the past year. But I started because I plain liked it, and now the benefits are apparent.
wellll my bf before he was my bf got me to smoke alot with him. I had smoked before but you know never really adopted it.
Than I moved in with him knowing I was going to be smoking weed like all

day everyday. And Now i cant live with out it. It sorta saved my life. Like I said before '

I was on trazadone and was addicted to downers. Well I have been off of them since uhm july and been using weed instead. It helps with my neck pain too I pop my neck and stuff and my cramps. Did you know that queen elezabith the 3 had her I iuno maid or somebody that got her weed for her cramps. Haha
im not sure but i remeber how it started. my friends dad was a mean ass drug dealer so my friend his son stoled a pound from him and gave it to me. walking around with a pound in his back pack! well i smoked it in about uhhh week or two. but ya ever since did ive been hooked!
keep tokeing foos!!!
back home in the Kootenays it's all we do lol. Grow and smoke.
When I was younger I used to sneak down to a local drive-in that had bands on the weekends. The bands would take a break and about half of the players would head for the railroad tracks behind the place to have a smoke. As this was around 1968,anyone over 10 could pretty much smoke anywhere they wanted. I couldn't figure out why a bunch of 20 year olds would sneak off to smoke?

I walked the tracks to get home. One night I ran into a group of musicians as I was leaving. One of the guys from the neighborhood was back there with 'em and said something about "he's a cool kid" and motioned for me to come over.

They asked me if I'd ever smoked weed and of course I said "Hell Yeah.",I wasn't going to have them thinking I was a wuss.

I did a lot of coughing that night but the lightning bugs put on a helluva show on the walk home. I was ruined.
Medical reasons. Honest. I was totally against smoking, then I changed. Now I think pot is like the "cure all" for everything. Bad day? Smoke pot. Aches and pains? Smoke... Seriously, I've turned around in my thinking completely.

I had brain surgery & my life went to hell when I started recovering... pains, getting sick, headaches, depression and a trillion & one other things. After being doped up on opiates and a million meds to counteract each other I tried MJ. Amazingly enough, after all my stubbornness, it worked! Go figure lmao. Anyway, that's my rhyme & reason. Now you couldn't convince me to trade it in for my old prescriptions.

I smoke everyday, usually multiple times. It makes me a better person, mom, wife, friend. I love it!
I researched all I could about it - found that it was harmless and non addictive. Why wouldn't I try it?! I'll be smoking for the rest of my life.

It sucks that the government, parents, educators and media are all so uninformed and/or comfortable lying to people about marijuana.
I grew up with my Dad smoking a lot.. He always told me that if I smoked cigs he would kick my ass.

Sadly, I was forced to relocate very far away, so I never got to smoke with him. Hopefully someday our paths will cross and we can share a session.

I was smoking before that with my friends though.. I smoked off and on, and started steadily smoking about 2 years ago. I smoke every day if I have it. If not, I don't have a problem not smoking.

I have ADD, and Cannabis is the only thing that calms me down enough to concentrate on things.

I love smoking, and I will smoke every day I can for the rest of my life.
My first time story:
Me and about 5-6 of my friends decided we wanted to get baked. So my friend was sure from his research and asking people, that everyone needed like a gram each, so we bought like a quarter for like 5 people thinking we were all cool. Earlier that day we skipped one period and went downtown to buy a bong, was a nice sized, maybe 20 cm hight and a decent width. We were making a day out of the ordeal, we go out to this secluded place in the forest with benches and nice scenery etc. now let me say, the myth that the first time you smoke weed you don't get high.. is completely false. We are all taking nice hits from the bong, i think one person there had gotten high once before and was like our noob mentor. It was fun to see how everyone reacted differently to weed. One of my friends are one of those space cases who get really effected and look like there on acid. He ran on rocks and just stared into the bush, and other funny things. Also, we imagined that there was a bubble over his head and that we had full control over what the bubble did, e.g. had air, was over his head or not etc. and he legit could not breath when we told him there was no air in the bubble, until we told him it was off. I remember feeling really shaky and tons of laugh attacks. must have been very, very stoned. I think we planned the day that there was an all night movie marathon at the theaters starting at 12am, so we thought that was an appropriate event to go to, 9hours after getting really baked for the first time. i think 2 of us fell asleep after an hour, and everyone else went home from being too pooched ahah.
And thats my first marijuana experience. pretty good one id say.
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