Why is my plant drooping?


New Member
My plant seems to be drooping quite a bit and i dont think its over watering because ive been letting the soil dry out between waterings. Heres a few pics
The plant in the picture looks fine, maybe a little thirsty.
Drooping is usually under-/over watering.

Try to:

1. Stick your finger in the soil to the first knuckle - if it feels dry, it's probably time to water.
2. Lift the pot - if it feels light, it's probably time to water.

Happy growing;)
thx i was thinking that, its just that i watered it like 2 or 3 days ago and i had a problem of overwater in the past so im a little hasty to rush into watering it more with a fear of the same thing happening.
Even though you think you are waiting long enough and being stingy with the water, you are still making some basic watering mistakes.

When you water, water with gusto, trying as hard as you can to make your soil absorb as much water as you can. If you go slowly, the soil can act like a sponge and soak up many times its weight in water. Water with this in mind, until any more water causes run off. You can NOT overwater by watering too much at any one time... overwatering is instead watering too often.

To determine when to water next time, forget the knuckle method, it only tells you what is happening at the top. You need to wait until ALL the water is gone from that container... all the way to the bottom.

The best way to do this is by using the lift method. Take a container just like what you are using, and fill it with dry soil just like what you have used for your plant. Lift it up and note that it is as light as a feather. This is what your container should feel like when you water the next time... not just lighter than it was 2 days ago, but light as a feather. Your soil should be so dry that you are amazed that the plant is still happy. You were almost getting there the way that you were watering, but you need to go further to get all the leaves to be able to lift up. Your soil will be sahara desert dry.... mummy's breath dry... and still your plant will not be wilting. Get her there... every time. Your roots will explode with activity, trying to find all the water in your container and you will see the difference up top... guaranteed.
i did let them get bone dry, completely and it started drooping, so i watered them and the soil was hydrophobic from being too dry and wouldnt absorb water properly, i got it to absorb it and it's been 3 days and the soil is drying up fast all the way through but the plant hasn't perked up.
i did let them get bone dry, completely and it started drooping, so i watered them and the soil was hydrophobic from being too dry and wouldnt absorb water properly, i got it to absorb it and it's been 3 days and the soil is drying up fast all the way through but the plant hasn't perked up.

solve the hydrophobic by simply putting a small amount of water on the surface and then walk away for a couple of minutes. When you come back the problem will be gone.

as bone dry as you think it was, I bet it could have gotten dryer. Your lower leaves drooping while your new growth is reaching up tells me that your lower roots are having a problem. As above, so below.

Water correctly for a couple of wet/dry cycles and I believe your entire plant will perk up.
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