will 2 days dark before flower harm?


New Member
i am goin away for 2 days, just as my girls are about to switch to flower. does anyone think it will be a problem to leave them in the dark then come bk to a 12/12 schedule?
are they not on a timer? I have read where people put their girls under 24hours of dark before the switch,, but have not heard of 48 hrs dark before switch... whay not leave them on 18/6 for the 2 days, then switch when you get back?
no there not on a timer gives a more natural touch :p well its a case of leave them in the dark or get a friend to come stay with them, was just curious if anyones done it before.
16 bucks gets you a nice digital timer from wallyworld....
or 10 bucks for a manual timer... just a thought.. I would not worry if it was one day... however, I do not know if 2 days will hurt them, and I do not want to give you bad advice..
i've sorted out a friend to come tuck them in at night :D. Yea i think that's the next thing on the shopping list, i have a manual timer but its a cheap one and doesnt switch back on i think theres to much load for it or somthing. have to get a digital one
... i have a manual timer but its a cheap one and doesnt switch back on i think theres to much load for it or somthing. have to get a digital one

digital or analog makes no diff, its the overall quality and amperage rating that makes them trustworthy or not.

BTW -Most huge grows are on analog for the dependability.
You can absolutely leave them in the dark for 48 hours. Many growers use a 36 to 48 hr dark period between cycles to jumpstart bud cycle anyway.
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