Wilted Plants with 2 weeks to harvest


New Member
I have an hydroponics system that will be complete in 2 weeks. I have several plants that are very wilted and since there always getting water, I am stumped. Here are some pictures. Any help would be great! TY




Here is the grow from the beginning. LED Grow

Thanks again
Hi leebee a little more would go along way..

Res temp?
Cab temp?
Ph of res?
PPM - Ec ?
Do u have many fans blowing around?

Just these few things would make answering your question mush easier and more acurate.

Thanks for the reply. Everything is fine, I had a nutrient lock. After the flush everything looks good again.
Res temp- 71
Room temp- 70
Ph of res- 5.4
PPM - Ec ? Not sure, do not have a meter.
Do u have many fans blowing around? Several with great circulation.
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