Yea forums!


New Member
I have been growing for about 17 years now and I was fortunate to learn from a friend of the family that started growing in 1965 and did so professionally until a year ago when he passed. My whole growing life I was blessed to have someone with a lifetime of experience, both good and bad, only a few mins away. Whenever I had a question, I had someone to go ask. Since his passing I have turned to forums on several occasions for advice, and only recently posted a question for the first time. Its nice to be able to get feedback from so many different people and perspectives. I personally do not grow to sell, only to take care of my own personal needs, as well as a close circle of friends, and the guy that cuts my grass for me, and the guy that services my pool.:grinjoint: As I have gotten older, I have become more and more engrossed by the cultivation process. When I first started growing, I was all about Aero and Hydro methods because of the speed and the yield. As I got older, I became less concerned with the speed and yield and more with the process and the quality. Don't get me wrong, I've turned out some good hydro stuff but you still can't replace the smell and flavor your buds get when grown in organic soil. I have recently launched a green initiative in my grow room, replacing the MH lights in the veg room with T5 fixtures, and upgraded my 100w HPS lights in the flower room to 600w with digital ballast. I am always looking for ideas to make indoor growing more "green", no pun intended. Hopefully one day the rest of the people will come around and we can all ditch our lights and grow out in the sun where god intended us to, but until then, off to the Pot Cave.

Thanks in advance for your feedback
Hello aero420 :welcome: We have notice you around dropping the knowledge!;) Thank you for jumping right in and lending a helping voice. It is great to hear from you. I think you are finding your way around here ok. Please continue what you have been doing Bro. Thinking about starting a journal?:cheer: Alright aero420, thanks for helping 420 spread Cannabis Awareness. We are very glad you are here hope to hear more and see you in the forums. :roorrip: :peace:
I've seen you around the forums. It was obvious from your posts that you were someone with experience! Your story sounds like the Karate Kid of cool! Welcome to 420!
Thanks again to everyone for the welcome. I will be honest, I was scanning down the list of threads cause I was originally looking for an answer about clones and stoped at the FAQ thread in the grow room. I pretty much stayed in that thread and didn't look down the list further. Today I am upgrading my desktop from Vista to Windows 7 so I have had a lot of time to kill and finally ventured out of the FAQ thread.

I see there are a lot of good people here, I think I am going to stick around awhile.:passitleft:
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