
Jimi Garcia

New Member
Yesterday I was doing some work in the growroom and as I was Leaving I saw what at first appeared to be a pile of doggy doo. But that made no sense because I don't have a dog and its in my basement. I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time so I bent down to take a closer look. Damn! Copperhead! Its like 7 or 8 inches from my foot. I'm looking around for something to whack it with but there isn't anything. So I do my best to get around it (i'm in my wheelchair) and it makes a half-hearted strike at me and misses. I cross the basement, grab a hoe and turn back to kill the sucker. But now he is gone. So I check out the grow room proper and its not in there now. I tear through everything nearby and can't find it. So now I have a copperhead loose in the basement. Tending the plants will be so much more exciting now. As if growing doesn't make you paranoid enough, now I've got snakes to worry about.
I'm thinking that getting a couple of cats to patrol the area would help. I have a huge black snake living under my wheelchair ramp. It I could get it out I could turn it loose in the basement. I'm also going to keep my eye out for a king snake. I'm also thinking about moving the plants outside and using bug bombs. Ya think bombs would kill a snake?
i wouldnt be goin back down there without a shovel or a hoe, and maybe have something thick to cover your legs with just in case he strikes b4 you get a chance...... eeeek, i really hate snakes ...... and rats :smokin:
I used to have trouble with snakes alot back when I used to grow outdoors as a kid. My special grow spot was only a few feet away from a freshwater stream running through the middle of the woods. Depending upon the species of snake they like to hang around water. I always had problems with cottonmouths and copperheads. The black snakes didnt bother me much for they werent poisoness, but damn they were big enough to keep me away! I hate anything that resemble a snake....cant stand them.

I used to have trouble with snakes alot back when I used to grow outdoors as a kid. My special grow spot was only a few feet away from a freshwater stream running through the middle of the woods. Depending upon the species of snake they like to hang around water. I always had problems with cottonmouths and copperheads. The black snakes didnt bother me much for they werent poisoness, but damn they were big enough to keep me away! I hate anything that resemble a snake....cant stand them.


there is a dreek about 100 yds from my house and thick woods all around. we've only seen one other copperhead and our dog had already killed it. we had two puff adders visit one day and they were lots of fun to play with. they puff out those wings on the side of their heads to scare you but when you get close they fall down and play dead. i like snakes that aren't poisoness. if i could get the black snake i'd put him in the basement. he's a good 6 footer and would probably take care of any snakes in his territory. if i see a king snake i will also add it to the basement patrol. the worst part about this is that my wife refuses to ever go in the basement again so i'm stuck with all the laundry
try and get some thick leather gloves, boots and some type of leg guards. copperheads are nothing to play around with.
also a .357 they work goood

don't worry folks. i grew up playing in the mojave desert. i've lived in the mountains in cali and now the woods of the midwest. i'm no stranger to snakes. they are always there even when you don't see them.
Watch out for their venom, also watch your dog to make sure he doesn't get bit.
HOLY SHIT I love that snakes in the grow room thing! But yea just watch out and be careful down there. I gotta admit that the whole snake thing was kinda a curve ball for me. When I was reading about the dog poo, snakes were the last thing on my mind!
Taurus Judge .410ga./.45LC revolver loaded with #4 shot should do the trick. :ganjamon:
Where exactly do you live? Puff Adders only live in Africa and Copperheads live in North America.
in the middle of america

Eastern Hog-nosed Snake

Heterodon platirhinos

Local Names: spreadhead, puff adder, hissing viper

A snake with an upturned snout, the eastern hognose normally is gray-brown or tan with distinct dark brown markings down its back. Some individuals lack most of the spots, except for two large black spots behind the head. The belly is mottled with gray. Length averages from 20 to 33 inches (51-84 cm). Preferred habitat is sandy areas or open woods with loose soil. This harmless snake has the ability to hiss loudly and spread its neck like a cobra. If this defense fails to ward off an enemy, the snake may thrash around, open its mouth, roll over and play dead. Hog-nosed snakes feed chiefly on toads but are also known to eat frogs and salamanders.

Snakes of Missouri: Non-venomous Snakes
i think it has probably moved on as well. i've got one really messy area of the basement that i need to get cleaned up. just waiting for the right suc... um, er friend to drop by.

a couple of years ago we did an addition and when we opened up a wall there was a huge black snake inside the wall. in the part of the country i live in they are always around.
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