grow boy420

Well-Known Member
if you are lucky enough to have one of these tiny hunters show up..your gnat problem will be eliminated..nowhere to run..nowhere to hide feom daylight hunters like the Zebra Spider..they dont use webs..but they can jump a over 15 inches. I love them..but be warned they will watch you as you move around the grow





if you are lucky enough to have one of these tiny hunters show up..your gnat problem will be eliminated..nowhere to run..nowhere to hide feom daylight hunters like the Zebra Spider..they dont use webs..but they can jump a over 15 inches. I love them..but be warned they will watch you as you move around the grow





That is creepy looking. I'd be nervous having one of those on my girls.
But cool pics. :thumb:
That is creepy looking. I'd be nervous having one of those on my girls.
But cool pics. :thumb:
Hahaha i think they are the cutest of the spider family. And they are pretty little. But the coolest thing is watching them move around and hunt their prey..they move like little armored tanks! LOL...and holy can they jump on their victims with pinpoint accuracy.
if you are lucky enough to have one of these tiny hunters show up..your gnat problem will be eliminated..nowhere to run..nowhere to hide feom daylight hunters like the Zebra Spider..they dont use webs..but they can jump a over 15 inches. I love them..but be warned they will watch you as you move around the grow

I have watched jumping spiders but not that specie. Your article did remind me that often new growers worry about insects and spiders in their gardens or on their plants.

Then, without learning what the insect is they will try to get rid of it. Not all insects are bad for our indoor and outdoor gardens. There is a thread somewhere on this msg board about some insects being good for gardens, often because they are predators and will keep the population of nuisance under control. Get rid of the predator and the insects that might end up causing problems will get out of control.

This thread started Saturday. Spending a pleasant Sunday afternoon reading the local paper and prepping our dinner I noticed an article about a photo exhibit in the area. The exhibit keys in on pollinators but the photographer also included several other insects.

The second photo in the article is another view of the jumping Zebra Spider. Interesting that this thread appeared one day and the next there is a photo in the newspaper,
if you are lucky enough to have one of these tiny hunters show up..your gnat problem will be eliminated..nowhere to run..nowhere to hide feom daylight hunters like the Zebra Spider..they dont use webs..but they can jump a over 15 inches. I love them..but be warned they will watch you as you move around the grow





Lovely, I know these beauties as "jumping spiders" and I've just posted about them - they are reputedly the best hunters in the spider kingdom and, they don't mess everything up with cobwebs.
Lovely, I know these beauties as "jumping spiders" and I've just posted about them - they are reputedly the best hunters in the spider kingdom
They are a fascinating looking spider.

Back when I did lawn cutting and landscape maintenance full time I would visit 20 or more houses a day. The right time of year and the right weather and I would walk into a yard and see hundreds of them on a house wall. Then as I walked past they would start jumping all over the place but never on me.
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