Leafs are droopy a month and a week in flower


New Member
So I'm in flower for about a month n a week. Everything was looking perfect till yesterday when I awoke them to water them. The leafs are droopy, I was wondering if I need to raise my watering from 250ml per plant once a day.
If you are using your phone you will have to be on this site to down load pics
Go to gallery on the home page and select up load photos.Go to the bottom of that page and hit select files for upload.Select the photos that you want up loaded.Then hit upload/submit.Don't put in a title or description yet When you hit upload/submit it will take you to another page where your photos should be and then you can do title and description.When finished hit the button at the bottom of the page that says process and that is it.Hope this helped a bit.Keep on token on and good luck
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