What constitutional rights?

Hello i am a california citizen and a medical patient with over 10 yrs of documented medical history of chronic stomach pain associated with IBD (chron's) as well as serious back pain associated with a minor degenerative spinal disease. I have had a medical recommendation to use medical cannabis for 4 years and grew my own veganically with no pesticides, chemicals, or animal waste as to have the purest medical product available as well as knowing exactly what i was ingesting as i only vaporize or make edibles, smoking only on rare occasions. In June of this year my GF and i were having a heated discussion around 12pm which i decided to remove myself from and go to my cousins house to avoid further argument. About 30 minutes later i recieved a phone call from my GF saying that the police were there and they want me to come home or they were going to get a search warrant for my home for marijuana?? I actually spoke to the detective and told them that i am a legal patient as well as my GF and i am a caregiver for my mother who has detached retena syndrome, and 4 other older patients 3 of whome have cancer and the other fibromyalgia. I told them that i had all documents and would present them to them so we could clear this up before my son arrived home from school at 3. I drove all the way home to find out that they had been searching my house, detaining my GF and questioning her all without a warrant or exigent circumstances for entry for over an hour. When they arrived she walked outside and shut the door behind her and told them that we were just arguing and that i had just left to go to my cousins. They asked her if she was hurt or if it had gotten violent she assured them that it never has gotten violent and showed them there were no buises or marks (which would have been exigent circumstances allowing them entry to do a safety sweep), They asked to look inside and she told them no and when she turned to go in they pushed the door in and pushed her on the couch and went to searching. When i arrived home after 1.5 hours of them being there i was met at the stairs by a detective who asked me why i had cannabis plants in my house and i asked him why he was in my house without a warrant to which i recieved no reply. They told me that if i didnt sign a consent form that they would get a search warrant anyway. I should have told them to fuck off but i had all the paperwork and figured i wouldnt go to jail or anything but was totally wrong. I found out later by 2 dif neighbors that they were hiding behind bushes with their guns drawn trying to hear if we were arguing but heard nothing because i wasnt even there. Kinda over the top for a serving the peace call huh? Well i repeatedly expressed that i wanted to hurry up so my son didnt see any of this and that he was my biggest concern and telling them that my mother was at the bus stop waiting for him and was going to take him to my cousins if they werent going to be gone by then. They replied by sending a seargent outside to repeatedly call me a drug addict because i adamately stuck to the medical truth and new more about the law then they did. (I have never used drugs, i dont drink alcohol, smoke ciggs, or drink caffeine and prove that in the 8 random drug tests i now have to take a month) That dick then turned around and told his partner to call CPS because he didnt think a kid needed to be around the "pot house". They then kidnapped my son who is 5 from school and took him to the police station and questioned him without a warrant or parent and even though their own report said that the child i above average development, healthy, happy, clean, large vocabulary, no signs of mental, emotional, or physical abuse, more than adequate food in the house, up to date medical and immunization records, and no prior reports from any teachers, doctors, etc about anything but that he is a well loved and well taken care of child. They lied massively about my plant numbers which were all babies because i had just recently harvested and had 1.42lbs which they took as well and are charging me with pos with sales even though i had 2 adults plus myself with recs living in the house which is supposed to allow me to posess 1.5lbs not to metion the .5 per patient rec for my other 4 so waaaayyyyy under the limit and there was no money, or anything else that would constitute sales but a scale. The plants which i was told numbered 68 on audio recording during interview were magically upped to 175!! but the dumb podunk pig wrote 3 dif numbers down and they dont even come close to 175 which 1 of the numbers was 68 lol and at least 20 were already harvested plants which were just a little nub sticking out of the dirt which they dug up by the roots. They destroyed all my strains which most were over 20 years old and some were close to 40. and worst of all they took my baby boy who is my heart and soul and i am now lost without him and they wont give me a reason they took him besides i had been arrested and that i am a mmj patient?? I was forced to plea no contest in family court because my public defender told me straight up that she didnt know if it would help if we fought it but she guaranteed that she couldnt do anything for us which i feel is because she didnt want to do the work. Now i am in the process of trying to petition a motion to set aside judgment because after doing what the lawyer told us and following all the bullshit they ask us to do and take parenting classes and counseling and the random drug tests the still wont even let us see him but 2hrs twice a week. I spent the last 3 yrs as a stay at home dad on account of my illness and my son is my life and we always were together and now the spark that he use to have is not there anymore and this is all bullshit im sorry if i rambled a bit there. Also as far as the criminal my GF and i were initially booked on a 1050?? whatever the fuck that is and then after being in jail for 30 min the bailiff called the cops and asked them what we were being held for because he couldnt hold us for nothing so they told him child endangerment $100,000??? (my child is the smartest and most social, loving, well behaved young man you would ever meet and all who know us would witness, he was 1 of 2 kids out of 35 that could read to his class even) then they charge us both with cultivation, possession with sales and then they charged me for my mom's 22 rifle that hadnt been shot in 7 years and had no bullets and a rusty chamber. after being threatend by police on the way to the hospital to get clearance for my disease in order for them to house me and sitting in county jail for 4 days not knowing what is going on with our son or anything with only a bag of carrots the whole time they let my GF out on her own recognace and lowered my bail to 25000 dropping my child endangerment charge all together?? And when i arrived home the place looked like the cops could come back any moment they had pulled whatever paraphenelia they had found out and left it on the stand they left a jar of cannabis which i saw on the floor behind a pillow on a couch they were sitting on, they left hash and wax sitting opened i mean it was the wierdest shit i had seen. Even the police report is blaitantly contradictory to their story and the "audio" they are suppose to have during the arrest. They say on the report that they arrest us on the charges and then they search the premises per consent? ha ha how the hell do u arrest us for something if you havent searched the house yet and why the hell would police take the word and wait for the "criminal" to drive all the way back and sign a consent form? they are bound by law to apply as soon as they think they have evience to support a crime not wait. I can elaborate on more in detail if anyone else wants to know about specifics in the report it would take to long to list the fuckups right now.
So we went to court for pre-trial on the 13th of aug and they had to push it back to the 25th of this month due to the fact the DA did not have the audio evidence even though the police had it marked and listed on the evidence sheet in the DA's hand she tried to act suprised but out lawyer demanded the evidence because we are motioning to dismiss based on illegal search and seizure and police misconduct. Ha they are scared because they had over 60 days to have everything ready and they dont so if and when it gets thrown out i am going to sue them till their eyes bleed and even then it will never compare to the pain that my son has to experience from being seperated from his loving parents who put him through private preschool even on a tight budget and raised him with the most love and care a child could ever need and the pain we have to go through everyday from the thought of them having our baby and they get money from the state and Fed for adopting (selling) good healthy children. The only reason they have him and it states on the report that its because we were arrested, that there was no supervision for the child (which was bullshit because they knew my mother was waiting at the bus stop for him) and that we use marijuana. I gave them 8yrs of legit supporting medical documents as well as a copy of my rec, a letter from the recommending doctor and they denied them stating that i have to have a "primary care physician" rediagnose me and write a recommendation for cannabis in order for me to not have to take drug classes?? How can someone's opinion override a licensed MD and documented proof or chronic pain and illness and i was just in the hospital in oct for 4 days with my bowels shut down being pumped full of steroids and anti-inflammitories and amtibiotics and deloded. The court order doesnt even say we have to quit because they know its against the law and they told us at first that it was ok because we had our recs and then 2 days before court she called and said that we still had thc in our system and that we werent going to get ty back because she was going to recommend removal to the judge. Then after getting a job again, cutting my usage by 3/4, medicating only 1-2 times a day and only being able to eat 1 meal a day if that they are now saying that i now have to get the primary care doctor who is going to write me a new rec (which 99% wont) he also has to write a recommended dosage (which is against california medical board rules) and then break down the dosage into how much that would equal out to NG/ML in a drug test??? (which isnt even humanly possible) The foster parents even see and say that we are obviosly great parents and love him very much and asked to up our visits and the CPS wont let them, we keep doing what they want and they keep making unrealistic goals because they know that they fucked up and that the reprocussion of this is going to be very bad on them especially if they give in and admit they were wrong. basically they cant turn back now for fear of what will happen with their job and rep so they are making my son suffer in the mean time. It kills me knowing that i can't be there to protect him as i have for the 5 yrs he has been on this earth all because of a chain-smoking alcoholic social workers overrated opinion. I struggle everyday now to find the urge to want to continue and wake up in the morning and not because my pain has doubled or that i am in and out of the bathroom 5-10 times a day its because my son was my life and now he is with some strangers all because my constitutional rights were not upheld. Basically i am just asking for prayers, advice, help, names, advocates, anyone that can help me figure out what the hell to do in my situation. I know looking for a lawyer to do pro bono is hard these days but i know there are some herb friendly lawyers that would love to make a name for themselves and this case is going to be a game changer. I am not just fighting and suffering for myself and my family but for all the patients out there who are still subject to this injustice as the facade of false safety falls. Again hope its not to frazzled for you guys and girls to read ;) peace and jah bless you all and your families.
Ok here is a little update on this bs masquerade of a case. We will be going into our 10th attempt and 10th month of still being in pre-trial because the prosecuting side cant get their shit together to present a case and keep trying to get it trailed to the following day knowing we both have jobs and cannot afford to keep missing days without ill effect. It is always an excuse from the officers who are supposed to testify as to why they cannot make it. the last time we had conformation from my attorney who spoke with the DA confirming that the cops would be there so we can finally do the case. They are well aware that i am not going to consider a plea and have even gone as far as having the public defenders office switch up my lawyers 4 diff times within this pretrial that hasnt even left the ground because they know that once the trial is heard and found illegal by grounds of illegal search and seizure then everything has to be righted and my poor son who is the victim who suffered the most in this nightmare can finally be returned to our arms and our lives can resume the way they were. Our son is our world and always has been and his intelligence and manners and love and energy show despite the lies and false allegations they use to build a case and the worse thing is that everyone else knows its wrong but they just dont know what to do and are paid by the people i am fighting. The worst part is now my son is traumatized he is afraid the cops are going to come to school and trick him again meaning when they kidnapped him from school without a warrant and interrogated him like an adult after bribing him with mcdonalds after knowing that he just had lunch. He told me that they toold him that if he said or repeated what they were saying that nobody would get in trouble and that they promise he would go home with his parents "tonight". What Fucking Bullshit. and they wonder why pigs end up getting roasted even by their own people. sorry just still pissed and mind blown that this happened to me in california of all places. And my son has to be a victim in this bs war on natural medicine and patients because they want/need to hurt us as much as possible until its all turned upside down. We have put our faith in God from the beginning and he will deliver us through this evel it might have taken a while but i have never lost faith and that is the key because God knows as well that i was doing no wrong by using my talents and skills to heal by providing the best vegan meds around and that never once interfered with the 200% devotion and dedication i had to taking care of my family i mean my son reads at a level 17 and is only in 1st grade and is top of his class of 35 students. Kids just dont pop out that way and they sure as hell dont turn out that way if they are neglected as the accused us because i "cultivated illegal drugs" even thought they arent drugs and are legal and i did provide documentation and proof that my growroom was locked and seperated from the rest of the place as well. anyway too much to list here as i am still frazzled about the whole thing but my faith and confidence will not falter. Keep us in your prayers and thoughts for strength especially for my son as we try to get some results from this and hopefully set case law protecting other families from future torment. And for those already thinking and praying for us thank you it is much appreciated. If anyone would like to know more in detail feel free to pm me or respond here i am open to suggestions or doing interviews for any journal/paper fighting for our rights so our story can be heard more. Peace and Jah Bless everyone and your families keep them close because big brother is waiting to devour your family if they catch you trying to heal and provide for yourself.
Much easier to read if you break it up a bit :D

Add a few lines here and there so it's easier to follow.

Ok, I actually made it thru the whole thing. I wasn't trying to be mean by saying to break it up, it's just hard to read that many lines in a row with no break.

Ok, based on what you've said:
1. the police had no cause/right to search.
2. you had the right to grow base on CA law.

This is NOT legal advise:

I'd start by finding out what they are using as the bases for the search. It might be smell, something someone said, etc... You need to find out what THEY are saying.
Next: Either what they are saying is not true or doesn't allow for search. My guess is that whatever they say, it will allow for search. So it'll probably be an issue of truth.

If they did something wrong, you can expect they won't admit it.

Next: You need to prove you have the right to grow what you had and you stayed within the law. The question about how many plants, selling, etc... You need to find what they used to determine that you were selling. I don't know, but I think they don't have to prove you ever sold, just that you had things that a seller would have (small bags, big money in small bills, scales, etc...) Again I don't know, you'd have to find out what selling or intent to sell means.

The number of plants seems high for a single home, but CA law allows up to 99 plants as I understand it. Even the 99 might be bypassed if you grow for others, but I've heard different stories about that.

I don't know where in CA you are, but most counties have a county law lib. They usually have some VERY knowledgeable people there and a huge resource for looking things up.

One other note about the processes in general:
1. NEVER plea what you don't mean. Never.
2. It's really a cost issue, they have only so much $$ to spend on each case. The cost goes up quickly and by a great extent the second you start filing papers (motions)
3. Expect them to plea bargain. They charge you with 100 things, then plea it down to 2 things... just the way it works.

Without getting into details, I'll say that I've been thru the civil court system a few times. It's really a game of how expensive you can make it for the other side. It can backfire if you just file to file, so you have to do some homework. It's not a fun place to be, and you may or may not have a good case, I have no way of knowing that. However, you can't really go wrong by hitting the books. You should be able to check them out and read when you want.

Search should be very well covered by many cases, so it shouldn't be to hard to find some case law.

When/if you file something, see if you have a ready-made form, there's a ton of them out there. If you have to write one from scratch, be concise, get to the point, support the point with case law. Make you motion look/read just like the motions you see in the books you'll be reading.

As far as the Pub Def, I really don't think they give a dam. But that's just me, and I won't get into a government rant.

You might be able to connect with someone that's gone thru the same thing. The county might have lawyers that offer some free service where they answer 1/2 of questions. Have you question ready, be very concise, otherwise you're just having near worthless conversation.

Best of luck, keep us posted.
My oh my, the future is going to be terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm 21 and just reading this terrible thing makes me understand that my life could be worse. Jahovah has love for you and your family and together with faith we can make it thru this satanic system. I'm sorry you must fight for your life, your boy.. I can't even begin to understand the pain. I am a fellow ca patient as well, this story is just one of many I'm sure and there's not much we can do... I'm sure you understand how evil and fake the justice system really is.

The greatest evils go untold, all I see is disillusion and pain. Evil, a complex evil but systematic non the less. I pray for your family, I pray the world leaves you alone.
What's at issue in the end are your freedoms granted by the Constitution but fewer and fewer are abiding by the words written in the document. When the leaders of the country begin to flagrantly violate the very foundation upon which everything is grounded then we begin to understand tyranny and autocracy. You are going through what happens when we continue to vote with our emotions and not our brains. We are supposed to be a rule of law society run by a republic democracy enabling we the people to decide what happens, but the media has used it's influence to make those decision's for us. Justice should be blind but the minority PC crowd wields it's propaganda machine very well and we've become blinded by their good intentions. Until we get back to rule of law these kinds of things will be happening to good people everywhere.

I really do feel bad for your son in this story. I hope everything worked out in the end.
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