Tax form?


New Member
Im a legal CA mmj patient and would like to supply dispenseries with medicine, ive heard from a couple of fellow growers theres a certain tax form to file to keep everything legal to the extent allowed?

Anyone have any knowledge on this matter or the form i am referring to?

Im also located in Northern Ca, and sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.
Let me start off with... I am not a lawyer. This is my personal interpretation of the law as it currently stands.

When you are a member of a collective, and thus supply them with your excess medicine, there is no taxes to pay on it due to the fact that you are not growing for profit. That would be illegal. You are being compensated for your time and cost in producing the product. Therefore, you do not pay taxes on those funds. If anyone has different information I would love to have a link for that.
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