CA: Panga Carrying Bundles Of Marijuana Found At Carlsbad Jetty

Photo Credit: Audra Stafford

Bundles of marijuana were dumped in the ocean off the Carlsbad coast early Friday when a panga ran aground, law enforcement officials said.

The small blue, grey and white vessel was spotted at approximately 5:30 a.m. near the jetty, with no one inside. The panga washed up on some rocks.

Carlsbad police, Oceanside police and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers were called to the scene. ICE spokesperson Lauren Mack soon confirmed agents were conducting an investigation into suspected drug smuggling in connection with the panga.

Investigators made their way to the vessel and were seen pulling white bundles from the panga and pushing the bundles up the rocks. The bundles appeared to be tied together with rope and tape.

Officials planned to search the waters off Carlsbad to locate any other bundles that may be floating in the ocean.

Further information was not immediately released.