CA: Vacaville Council Examines Regulating Personal Cannabis Grows

Photo Credit: Elaine Thompson

The City Council does not want to see cannabis for personal use grown outdoors.

It is considering a system where residents growing cannabis plants in their homes should register with the city.

That is the direction the council gave Tuesday night to city staff who are looking at how to deal with legal marijuana in Vacaville.

Council members called personal outdoor grows a health and safety concern as well as causing odor problems with neighbors. They also expressed doubt that many people who will be growing their marijuana indoors will register the plants if that idea is turned into a city ordinance.

This comes six months after the council passed an interim ordinance in September 2017 that imposed a temporary, two-year moratorium prohibiting approval of any commercial, industrial and retail cannabis land uses and all outdoor cultivation.

City staff spent the time since then researching how other cities have handled how to deal with commercial and personal marijuana.

Tuesday’s study session on how best to deal with personal cannabis cultivation recommended requiring a personal cultivation permit with specified requirements.

State law allows cities to regulate or ban outdoor cultivation, but not ban personal indoor cultivation.

The council’s direction to staff about dealing with personal marijuana grows is expected to come back in the near future as a proposed city ordinance.