DNA Test Links Weed-Laden Hair To NYPD Sergeant, Department Prosecutors Say

Photo Credit: Luiz C. Ribeiro

Things are getting hairy at the departmental trial for an NYPD sergeant who blamed a positive drug test on her hair weave.

Sgt. Tracy Gittens said a hair sample that failed a random drug test last year, was from her her human hair accessory, not her own head.

NYPD prosecutors claimed Thursday that a DNA test confirms the marijuana laden hair belonged to Gittens.

When cross examining Deputy Chief Joseph Ciuffo of the NYPD’s Medical Division on Thursday, attorney Michael Giordano asked him if he had questioned Gittens about any factors — her diet, supplements, living conditions, exposure to pot smokers — that could have led to the positive test result.

The chief said he hadn’t.

“She offered no explanation for this test result,” Ciuffo testified during Gittens department trial at police headquarters. “I’m there to help members of service find explanations. I asked her if there was anything she could explain to me… to explain why this happened.”

Ciuffo said he swabbed Gittens’ cheek swab for DNA in May 2017 — at her request, to prove the hair sample wasn’t hers.

An DNA analyst brought in by the Department Advocate’s Office — which is prosecuting the case — testified that the said the hair sample initially taken by the NYPD was indeed taken from Gittens — or a close relative, a source with knowledge of the case said.

Giordano declined to comment Thursday.

Gittens was suspended for 30 days when the drug test turned up positive for marijuana last year.

The mother of two, who was once assigned to Mayor de Blasio’s security detail, claimed that the NYPD officer who snipped her hair for testing accidentally took the sample from her human hair weave, which she wears as a ponytail — not her actual hair.

Whoever owned the hair before Gittens had smoked marijuana, she claimed.

Independent tests on Gittens hair came back negative for marijuana, Giordano said.

During his opening statement, Giordano said Gittens is very careful about what she puts into her body — and has never smoked marijuana.

“She was shocked that she had tested positive for marijuana and had the results retested on her own,” Giordano said. “She never did drugs or drank alcohol.”

“The only sip of alcohol she’s ever had was a wine cooler 20 years ago,” he said.