VT: Legal Weed Won’t Extend Into Lake Champlain

Photo Credit: Roxana Gonzalez

We’re fast approaching Memorial Day — the last holiday before cannabis becomes legal July 1.

Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer and many will take to the lake. Keep in mind that even once Vermont legalizes marijuana, it will remain illegal to consume on Lake Champlain.

Say what? Here’s what the Burlington Free Press reported in February:

The lake is considered “federal water” because New York and Canada border Lake Champlain, U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Andrew Barresi said. Marijuana discovered on boats is confiscated by the Coast Guard, and those in possession of the drug could face possible federal repercussions.

“Since there’s been no change to the federal marijuana law, we’d have to enforce it if we were to see somebody or if they had it in their possession during a routine boarding, or something like that,” Barresi said.

The Coast Guard routinely boards boats to perform safety checks, he added.

Consider this fair warning.