CT: Newtown P&Z Approves Proposal For Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Photo Credit: PublicDomainPictures

Newtown is the latest Fairfield County location to move forward with the possible creation of a medical marijuana dispensary.

The town’s Planning and Zoning Commission has agreed to create new zoning regulations to allow such a facility as a permitted land use and also approved a special zoning permit for a dispensary proposed for an existing industrial building at 18 Commerce Road.

Property owner 18 Commerce Road LLC has proposed using approximately 5,000 square feet of the vacant 10,000-square-foot building as a dispensary.

There are currently nine medical marijuana dispensaries in the state; the only one in Fairfield County at the moment is Compassionate Care Center of Connecticut in Bethel. In March, Stamford’s Zoning Board approved a proposed dispensary at 806 E. Main St., and earlier this week Westport’s P&Z approved a medical marijuana dispensary application for 1460 Post Road East.

Once such a facility is approved by a municipality, it must apply for a license from the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, which regulates all medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. In April, the DCP said it could grant up to 10 such licenses this year. It said it has received 73 applications so far and expects to make a decision in the fall.