HI: Medical Cannabis Researcher And Author To Speak Saturday

Photo Credit: Press Associates

Medical cannabis researcher and author Michael Backes will be the featured speaker at a Lunch & Learn presentation from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Leis Family Class Act Restaurant on the second floor of the Paina Building at University of Hawaii Maui College in Kahului. He will speak about how cannabis works with the body’s own systems to manage pain and other conditions.

A $10 registration fee includes a hot buffet lunch and class materials. Register at www.backeslunchnlearn.eventbrite.com.

“When we consider the use of cannabis in a medical context, we must first look at the evidence,” said Backes. “We know that cannabis isn’t a magic remedy for every condition, but for specific individuals and circumstances it is very useful and quite safe.

“During my Lunch & Learn presentation on Maui, I will explain how medical cannabis works with the human endocannabinoid system to alleviate chronic pain without serious side effects. Plus, there will be ample time for audience questions.”

Backes authored the recently revised and updated book “Cannabis Pharmacy, The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana,” one of Amazon’s top-selling cannabis books. He serves as the curriculum and training adviser for Maui Grown Therapies in Kahului, and is a member of its Science & Medical Advisory Board.

Maui Wellness Shop, an online store for products that support alternative therapies as part of an integrated wellness program, is event producer.