MA: Peabody Mulls Medical Marijuana Locations

Photo Credit: Robyn Beck

The pot is still stirring as the city tries to determine where to allow a medical marijuana facility in the community. The city held an ad hoc Medical Marijuana Committee meeting Thursday to discuss the host fee agreements. There are currently two host agreements and both the city and private company Wellness Connection of Massachusetts want to find common ground on a dispensary along Route 1.

“We are all trying to do the right thing here,” said Councilor Joel Saslaw.

Wellness Connection of Massachusetts said it was prepared to pay impact fees to Peabody as part of an agreement to operate the facility. They would expect $4-5 million in sales per year, but that would depend on the ability of the customer base to purchase medical pot.

Customers usually buy medical marijuana two to three times a month, according to a representative.

The facility would not sell recreational marijuana. Mail-order prescriptions would also be barred from the prospective dispensary because you can’t distribute pot through the postal system.

City Solicitor Michael Smerczynski had strong opinions concerning medical marijuana and did not hold back.

“The bottom line is you can ultimately go back to the populace and have a referendum and you can ban it,” said Smerczynski.

Peabody will continue dealing with pot sales later this month, when both the Planning Board and City Council consider a temporary moratorium on the sale of recreational marijuana. The Planning Board is expected to take up the measure on June 21, followed by the City Council a week later on June 28. The measure would bar any sales of recreational pot through the end of 2018.