ME: Auburn Marijuana Moratorium Could Shut Down Medical Caregivers

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As the city of Auburn proposes a marijuana moratorium, some medical marijuana caregivers could be forced to shut down.

There are currently five medical marijuana storefronts in Auburn, and while this proposed moratorium is still in the early stages, those businesses owners are afraid they may be put out of business.

Medical marijuana storefronts have been popping up across Auburn, but city leaders say it’s unregulated.

This week, the city proposed a moratorium that would prevent medical and retail marijuana storefronts from opening for 180 days, but local caregivers say this is a public service.

City officials cited complaints and lack of oversight as their main concerns, but these businesses owners say they’re following all the rules, and hope councilors will grandfather them in and they can stay open.

The city council is expected to take up this issue and take public comment on June 18.