NV: Is It Pot Or Not? Cannabis-Related Items Sold In Elko Stores

Photo Credit: Cynthia Delaney

Medical and recreational marijuana establishments are banned within the Elko city limits. However, a number of local businesses sell a legal alternative to pain and health management created from the same plant.

Cannabidiols, or CBDs, are cannabis compounds that provide positive health benefits without the psychoactive effects that THC produces.

According to “High Times,” cannabis plants produce more than 400 different compounds and the cannabidiol compound has been singled out as having significant therapeutic effects.

The strain Cannabis sativa, or hemp, is an industrially grown plant that has been cultivated to produce longer stalks and very low levels of THC.

The 2014 Farm Bill allowed universities and state departments of agriculture to begin cultivating industrial hemp for limited purposes. The Nevada Department of Agriculture authorizes industrial hemp research and development pilot programs.

Although hemp does contain low levels of THC, the legal products sold on shelves in the U.S. contain less than 0.3 percent. Because CBD does not make a person “high,” products made with the compound are now found in abundance.

“The healing properties of these products are just amazing,” said Arlene Jones, owner of Natural Nutrition. “They are very good for the endocrine system.”

Jones carries a couple of brands in her store and plans to bring in a new line.

CBD products come in many forms including capsules, tinctures, gum, lollipops, vape oil, high concentration extracts, isolates, bath products, salves and more. There are even products designed to treat your favorite feline or chief canine.

CBD has been used by people with multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, addiction, diabetes, and myriad other ailments.

Healthline.com states that CBD oil can reduce pain, inflammation, and overall discomfort related to a variety of health conditions.

According to the company, CBD can be used as an alternative to opioids.

5-J Music carries a large variety of CBD products including lollipops and Holy Water, a hemp-based beverage.

Gerald Killion, owner of the store, sees the CBD trend increasing in Elko.

“It’s starting to be big here,” he said.

5-J sells CBD items from that range in cost from $20 to $250.

“This is an alternative to smoking marijuana,” said Killion. “It does the same thing but without the high.”

5-J carries products made by Diamond CBD. The company’s pamphlet claims that its product reduces cigarette cravings for those who are trying to quit smoking.

Modified Vapors is another business in town that carries CBD products. Chris and Kathy Symes own the business and agree that the items are very popular in Elko.

“It’s just taken off in the past year,” said Chris. “I have return customers who are able get off of pain and anxiety medications.”

Modified Vapors carries only CO2 cold-extraction products because they are touted to be the best and contains the purest ingredients. At this business customers are required to be at least 21.

According to Westword.com, there is no law against selling hemp products to minors but that it is up to the business.

“Most smoke shops don’t even allow minors inside, and some require you be 21 or older to buy CBD products,” states Westword.

The positive effects of CBD are widely touted, however one might ask if there are any bad side effects.

“A 2007 study published in Phytomedicne found that CBD, along with other similar substances including THC have potential as an anticoagulant, so people who have diseases like hemophilia that cause problems with blood clotting should use extra caution with these substances,” according to ministryofhemp.com.

Some people who use CBD oil have reported mild mood and mind-altering effect similar to those produced by cannabis, but theses effects seem to be rare.

“The healing properties of these products are just amazing. They are very good for the endocrine system.” — Arlene Jones, Natural Nutrition

So, although it is illegal for stores to sell marijuana in Elko or the rest of Elko County, several business owners see hemp as mostly helpful and here to stay.