OH: Beavercreek ‘Weighing Options’ On Marijuana Moratorium

Photo Credit: Robyn Beck

One of the new medical marijuana dispensary licenses was awarded to a group in Beavercreek… But the city already has a moratorium in place against marijuana businesses.

City Manager Pete Landrum said it’s up the city council now to decide whether to let the moratorium expire or make it permanent.

“You know, do we want to ban it. Do we want to limit it. They have those decisions still to make – to continue the moratorium or make it more permanent of a ban,” Landrum said.

“I believe that there is a strong possibility that there would be enough council members to ban it. But again, the current application would be more or less grandfathered in.”

The city council passed the moratorium back in January, after several open council meetings. It expires next month.

Landrum said it’s still too early to say, for sure, what step the council might take next.

But said the sentiment among many residents is that although medicinal cannibis has its benefits, they’re not sure they want a dispensary in their city.

The Beavercreek location is one of six medical marijuana dispensaries that are coming to the Miami Valley.