As Oklahoma Nears Medical Marijuana Vote, Some Already Using CBD Oil For Pain Relief


Soon, Oklahomans will vote on legalizing medical marijuana, but many are already finding relief with CBD oil.

Derived from cannabis plants, it has no THC ― the chemical that gets you high — and it’s legal here.

“It’s mind-blowing, it’s almost a miracle before our eyes,” said Hector Najar II with Herban Mother, Oklahoma City’s first brick-and-mortar CBD oil store, which serves customers with anxiety, chronic pain, seizures, stress and other maladies.

They sell more than oils. The store offers hemp balm, gummy bears, bottled water, even dog treats infused with cannabidiol or CBD.

“It’s 100 percent legal because we’re 100 percent THC free,” Najar said. “We do all the extraction out of Denver, Colorado, and the raw product is shipped over to our laboratory, Can-Tek Labs.

The hemp-based products are formulated and created here in Oklahoma City.

“I see it helping so many people,” added Dr. Kevyn Kennedy, N.H.D. “I recommend CBD oil quite often to my clients because it is, right now, just rated as a food supplement.”

Kennedy specializes in naturopathic treatments.

“It’s very rare for someone that does alternative medicine, for you to walk in my office, and if I say, ‘If you’ll just do this, your problem will go away,'” Kennedy said. “That just doesn’t happen, but when CBD oil came along, I saw rapid relief for many, many people.”

Najar says his clients range from police officers to firefighters, athletes and everyone in between.

“Nobody comes to us for a party drug,” Najar said. “Nobody’s coming here to get high. You’re not gonna feel weird stone high, weak-kneed, anything like that. This is just good for you.”

He’s so sure of that, he gives CBD oil to his grandchildren for the calming effect, Najar says. He uses it himself to treat what had been severe back pain.

“I was even scheduled for surgery Nov. 2. I will tell you this, using my products, I canceled surgery,” Najar said. Now, he claims to be 100 percent pain free.

So, what do you need to know before you go out and buy CBD products?

The Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings to companies about improper claims and labeling on their products.

“Is it labeled correctly, does it show us what is actually on the bottle, or does it say how many milligrams?” asked Ryan Early, CEO and founder of Can-Tek Labs. “Is there any documentation on that company’s website as far as what is in that product and what is the potency of that product?”

Everyone we spoke with agreed that it’s important to research the company from which you’re buying.

“Never, ever, ever buy a CBD product if you don’t see a lab certification for that product so you can see that there’s no THC and that there are adequate levels of CBD in that product,” Kennedy said.