420 Sponsor: Oregon Hemp Flower

420 Sponsor Oregon Hemp Flower

Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor, Oregon Hemp Flower, to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world.

They sell smokable CBD Hemp products direct from the farmer.

banner Oregon Hemp Flower

Their buds come direct from Oregon Hemp farmers and are hand-trimmed.

Their range of products includes those with both CBD and CBG cannabinoids and you’ll find a great range of strains, including Hawaiian Haze, Stormy Daniels, Lifter, Umpqua, Boax Berry Blossom and Sour Space Candy. Click-through pdf files show the detailed laboratory analyses.

In addition to Hemp flowers, they also offer both CBD and CBG Isolate Powders and CBD cigarettes, the latter containing absolutely no tobacco or nicotine and safely packed in cigarette tubes.

As well as a consumer offering, they also have a wholesale division for the commercial sector. Sample kits are also available and they have regular sales offerings.

Oregon Hemp Flower
Oregon Hemp Flower
Oregon Hemp Flower


Telephone: 541-326-2885

Email: sales@oregonhempflower.org

Website: Oregon Hemp Flower

For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as Oregon Hemp Flower, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

banner Oregon Hemp Flower