420 Sponsor: Purpinator

420 Magazine Sponsor Perpinator

Please join us in welcoming our new sponsor, Purpinator, to our mission of spreading Cannabis awareness to the world.

Purpinator is the first nutrient of its kind, designed to provide an improvement in color, aroma, and potency in your plants.

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Purpinator is a specialty nutrient additive created with cultivators in mind.

Its unique formulation includes a variety of inputs designed to provide users with increased production of flavonoids like anthocyanins, which improve coloration of the plant to deliver deep, rich hues of purple in capable cultivars. Purpinator’s all natural formulation enhances your plant’s purple color without inducing stress or modifying the growing environment, making it a unique and powerful tool for any cultivator who wants to get the most out of their plants.

Alongside the benefits of enriched coloration comes an increase in the production of terpenes and secondary metabolites thanks to the incorporation of technology pioneered by its predecessor, Terpinator, that has been engineered to be a part of the all-natural Purpinator formula.

The combination of these three improvements offers users a unique additive that can drastically improve desirable characteristics in high value crops. After years of rigorous testing and development alongside professionals and large scale operations, this revolutionary nutrient additive is now available to cultivators.

Unlock the true genetic potential of your plants and see, smell, and feel the difference with Purpinator.

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Website: Purpinator

For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as Purpinator, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.

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