Sponsor of the Month: Remo Nutrients

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We are pleased to announce that Remo Nutrients are 420 Magazine’s Sponsor of the Month! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

banner Remo Nutrients

The Five Elements
In ancient times, it was believed that everything in the known world was made from one of the 5 earthly elements: water, earth, wood, fire, and metal. Each element brings its own unique characteristics which, if properly balanced, provide the building blocks for all living things.

Using this concept,they have put focus and attention on both specifically targeted areas, and the collective interaction of those areas. Their complete feed system provides a harmonious balance of essential vitamins, minerals, and extracts that your plants need to thrive.

The business was truly spawned from a passion for growing. As the Urban Grower, Remo has helped thousands of people to learn the skills necessary to produce a world class product. His expertise covers all levels of growing and has landed him 23 awards, worldwide.

Remo brings his vast experience to Remo Nutrients, creating 8 products that offer a complete system of the vitamins, minerals, and extracts that your plants need to achieve their maximum growth potential. By using pharmaceutical grade ingredients, their system opens up your garden’s growth potential to the maximum degree.

Remo Nutrients are located in beautiful Maple Ridge, BC.

velokelp Remo Nutrients
nature's candy Remo Nutrients
grow Remo Nutrients
astroflower Remo Nutrients


Remo Brands Ltd.
14-20295 113B Ave.
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6E9

Phone Toll Free: 1-855-HEY-REMO (439-7366)

Website: Remo Nutrients

Find A Retailer: Retailers

Thank you Remo Nutrients for your support in our mission. We are truly grateful!