420 Sponsor: Magical Butter

420M_800x600 Magical Butter

Please join us in thanking Magical Butter for renewing their sponsorship! They have been and continue to be a huge asset in helping us further our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.

Magical Butter

Garyn Angel is an award-winning financier, inventor, and philanthropist from Port Richey, Florida, and the founder and CEO of MagicalButter.com™. His flagship invention is the Botanical Extractor, the world’s first countertop appliance designed to infuse the essence of herbs into foods. While still serving clients as a financial planner in 2011, Mr. Angel conceived the device to help a severely ill friend prepare a natural herbal remedy. When his friend enjoyed great relief using the prototype, Mr. Angel knew he had found his passion.

Today, the Magical Butter machine is the world’s leading countertop Botanical Extractor™, designed for creating fantastic recipes, infusing the essence of healthy herbs into butter, oil, grain alcohol, lotions, and more. The MagicalButter machine combines an immersion blender with a digital thermostat and heating unit. It grinds, heats, stirs, and steeps your herbal extract, all at the correct time intervals and temperature. So you achieve your desired infusion easily, safely, and consistently.

Other aspects MagicalButter customers rave about are the machine’s ease of use, premium quality materials, affordability, and peerless customer service from TeamMB. The MagicalButter team design the products, use them and truly care about quality and about each customer—and customers say that it shows in the personalized attention they receive.


5741 Richey Drive
Port Richey, FL 34668

Phone: 800-420-4334

Website: MagicalButter

Email: support@magicalbutter.com

For 420 Magazine to continue offering our free service we rely on like-minded sponsors such as MagicalButter, to whom we are truly grateful. Please support our Mission by supporting them. Our sponsors make 420 Magazine possible.