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Hello 420 Community! I am here with another blog entry to discuss a great method in which I use to COMPLETELY neutralize the odor that comes out of my exhaust airflow. Now, with most ventilation systems in grow setups out there, the package deal of buying a carbon filter with an exhaust fan is...
Hello 420 Community! I am here with another blog entry to discuss a great method in which I use to COMPLETELY neutralize the odor that comes out of my exhaust airflow. Now, with most ventilation systems in grow setups out there, the package deal of buying a carbon filter with an exhaust fan...
Restricting growth early on by the use of small pots is widely seen in the Bonsai art of growing. Basically getting a plant mature at a very small size. They also use forms LST and HST to achieve this, BUT the key thing in getting a miniature bonsai tree to stay miniature is pot size. All...
With my current grow, I was playing around with different HST (high stress training) techniques with my bagseeds. I FIMd one and I realized I should have been doing this all along with my micro grows. The FIM slowed the main growth down tremendously for a few days, BUT all the while giving the...
CONCLUSION Here is an interesting comment by a fellow grower that I responded to: >>> I know what I'm about to say means more spending, but table that for a moment to consider what gains (if any) can be had in plant growth times or other possible gains. What if CFLs were used for top lighting...
EXPERIMENTS I am currently playing with CFLs and HPS for the experiment. This will throw in the question of whether or not light intensity could be used here for plant manipulation. The questions I have been asking myself are: Will more intense light (like an HID) at a close distance...
INTRODUCTION I can say that some of my previous assumptions on how light penetration and defoliating light blocking leaves might actually affect growth versus what I currently believe: that more light penetration equals faster growth. This may prove not to be true in light of new experiments...
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