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Posted in the blog: The Sermon
The Right Rev. sees that you've not graced the halls of the Church of Hempy. For shame! No worries, the Right Rev. carries a virtual pulpit and pews. Settle for a moment... and listen to to a short sermon from on high. Like you, I was once a heathen wandering in the forests. I was even worse...
Posted in the blog: Neem words
Using it in flower can be done via applications to the medium rather than spray. One would do well to consider a few things however. First, Neem is very strong in both flavor and smell (used in toothpaste in India?!?!). You really want to try to finish it without use. I discontinue use in...
Posted in the blog: ummmmm... aint I beutified!
I'm not gonna comment... the photos speak much better than any words I could generate. Boy life can sure hand you a curve now and then. She sat in a wet ditch for a few days while I recovered a bit... she's not normally that rusty... poor baby. Cheers
Posted in the blog: Why I continue to live here
There's no doubt, New Orleans has SOOOOO many issues. Crime, corruption, violence.... the list seems endless. Every now and then, something happens to remind me why I fell in love with this city. This morning was one of those times. The house next to mine is being stripped and ripped. One of...
Posted in the blog: My momma warned me....
My mother is a very interesting and creative woman. I often lovingly refer to her as "a dope smokin hippie". She once noticed that I love to play touchy-feely with my growing buds and said to me "you know... if you play with your buds too much, you'll go blind!" She's a special woman and I...
Posted in the blog: I never follow my own advice
I always feel that I know what to do, but I never follow my own advice. It really irritates me. I've always felt that it's best for a grower to do their first grow sans any neuts or other ferts. I feel it's important for a new grower to understand the natural life cycle of their babies. To...
Posted in the blog: Good Quotes
Take only memories; leave nothing but footprints. ~ Chief Seattle Civil disobedience, that’s not our problem. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the...
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